Friday, March 02, 2007

Calgon take me away...

Life is hard work...

Work is hard work....

Does it ever get easy???? maybe on tv.... oh well..

I think about back when i was 18-24... seems like I had all the time in the world, and all we did was have fun... made the most of every hour... we were broke, but we were rich in friendship and good times...

Now... seems like you blink, and a fucking year goes by... and you play phone tag and email tag for 3 weeks or MONTHS just to coordinate a coffee with your friends...

its sad really.....

I shouldnt complain, I mean life could be a hell of a lot worst.. but I do miss the simple things... seems we get so caught up in the rat race, that its easy to forget what your racing for...

Case and point, one of my best friends in the world was in town last week staying at another of my best friends place... and I blew it off to SLEEP!!! I was out by 10pm!!! sad really..... pathetic..

anyway... Im rambling.. and just a little jaded perhaps.. but I need to get over that...

its now March, and Im no further ahead mixing the December jam party to cd then I was the week after.... and thats just one example.. but such is life.. only so many hours in a day, days in a week, etc...

When it come to hobbys, and the fun stuff, seems like lately theres a lot of "get ready, get set" but no "go" arrrggg...... but also, theres times I could devote to it that I chose not to, and end up whith my arse in front of the TV instead... But I think thats partialy a defence issue...

problem is, is thats what I could REALLY get passionate about.. I can spend 8 hours mixing or even just learning one song... and it feels like 5 min.. but then when you have to put it down, and step back to reality, its just a little heartbreaking.... if that makes any sense at all.. So sometimes, I just avoid it.. but im getting better at that... trying to get some "balance"

But, that said, I still sometimes think back about the road not taken and wonder what could have happend if?

like the chance to work as a "piss-ant" for Spectacle entertainment brokers (then a division of DKD) back in the day, just as one example... Now, I should clarify so no one calls me a fucking liar, that I never had an official job offer, but I am 110% postive I could have weaseled my way in the front door as a gopher or something... I had done some work with them through the university, and done some freelance work booking a club tour for a band called TOO many Cooks, for them... Even had my name on the DKD letter head (albiet just fax paper with contract riders, etc) but the fact is, is that I had an "IN" as they say, and "piss-ants" are cheap.. So Im sure I could have gotten in, even if it was at the bottom...... And If i'd done that, and worked as hard as i've worked in my current field.. where would I be today?

Who knows...
oh well, hindsight is 20/20..

My current "day job" is actualy a good one in the bigger scheme of things, ... But I think I'm at a point where I lack the "passion" and commitment to truly advance much further... My heart just isnt in it.. oh well... "Suck it up princess" as they say on TV...

teachers have it made.. summers off, the occasional "sabbatical".... man.. what i could do with that amount of spare time... makes me very jealous... Im sure they have stress, otherwise it wouldnt be caled 'work'. but I guess its real easy to point and assume the grass is greener on the other side... . (fuck, can I use any more cliche analogies???)

go to bed rob!! (ok, now Im talking to myself)

oh well.. thats why theres nothing new in my blog sinse ECMA's... sadly, other then go to work, come home, sleep.. .not much has happened since... but thats how it goes sometimes..
"Some days your drinking the wine, some days your picking the grapes"

maybe tomorrow i'll have some "wine" figuratively speeking of course... Im more of a rum man myself (appleton reserve to be exact) But thats just me.. I aint all that cultured... last time I drank a bottle of wine, it was the only booze int he house, I was doing some plumbing the basement, and I killed a bottle of homemade risling with a bag of jube-junes........ Yes sirr... I butt the ASS back in clASS HA!!!!

nite all


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