Monday, March 05, 2007

Found my 6 - Shooter

No.. not a gun... a mug... A REALLY cool mug...

ok, maybe not cool, but very usefull...

I had a bunch of these from the COCA convention back in 94 (Canadian Organization of Campus Activities) I'd been there in 92 as a buyer for Grenfell College, so when Halifax hosted it again in 94, I volunteered to work security just to get in...

Anyway.. Me and Purp, (my old roomate) made the Rounds, and when we realized the parties we were spose to "calm down" were way cooler then any security job, we quit, (but I think we forgot to tell our bosses we quit) and joined in... I'd made friends with the bass player from a Metal band called Crimson Jimson, and he made the rounds with us..

there was one room at the hotel, where a comedy troop called "Blood Royal" had completly dissassembled the beds, and neatly packed them against the wall.. In its place, in the middle of the room, was a Dental chair... and here they were, in full medical garb.... their Schtick was you'd recline in the chair, and they'd have a 3 ounce syringe that they'd fill with a mixture of something red (i think just food coloring or fruit juice) and BOOZE and they'd shoot this concoction stright down your throat, and give you a sticker on your arm.. "I got my shot from Blood Royal" with their agents number on it... Brilliant actually, considering most of the people taking the free booze were "campus programers" who could block book these guys from St. Johns to Port Alberni!! anyway... last thing I remember is leaving Fabian James room (of Lambert and james) where all the boys from Great Big Sea were, along with 2 of the Rose Vaughn Trio and a wicked little jam session was going on... We stayed there until someone brought out the bagpipes...

Anyway.. I'd bumped in to Allan the next moring in South End Halifax... We were both doing the "walk of shame" and stopped to talk...

apparantly the Bad Pipes were the Hotels "Last Straw" and they got kicked out.. Some lady was good enough to take him in... Im still not sure where I ended up... and Im not sure if I want to... but thats a Whole nother story...

Im straying off topic here...

my mug... yes....

Anyway. i had a bunch of these (from the COCA SWAG BAG) and had given a bunch away.. but hung onto this one... I'd lost it at Mikes (neighbor and good friend) some time ago and found it there last week...

I call it my 6-shooter cause its the Perfect size for Six Shots of rum, Ice, Lime and Coke!! A perfect amount for a quick drink accross the street... Which is what i di friday nite, while Trena was getting Sarah ready for bed...

I'd just taken my medication for the old back, and needed a stiff drink to help take the edge off.... What better then to enjoy a drink with Some good friends...

So that was the beging of a great weekend..

Saturday Trena's parents came up... they offerd to take Sarah for the day, so we had an unplanned Free day to piddle-fart around... No agenda, no to-do list, no schedule, no pressure.. it was a lot of fun actually... Some shopping, some browsing, ran in to two good friends we've lost touch with and talked them into having supper with us at the Mic Mac Beverage room.... then it was some moe shopping, and then home...

pretty relaxing... then it was a movie on the couch, and a nice snooze.... Not overly exciting, but sometimes those are the best kinds of weekends... Very relaxing.. just what we needed actually...


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