Fun nite at Jon Matheson's Home Studio....
We just did two tracks... and for my part, just some basic Piano/Organ, but that's all the songs called for.
and while the intent is to come back and have another go at it later on, for the first crack at it, I think it came out pretty good...
to describe Jon's sound, for those who havent heard it, I'd have to say Jon's like a cross between John Mellancamp, Gin Blossoms, and Bon Jovi..... Great Songwriter, guitarist and Singer... His songs are un-cluttered and simple enough to to get inside your head very quickly, but very tasteful and impressively orginal Chord progressions...
His first album was very good... I highly recomend you check it out...
I wasn't on it,I met Jon after it had been completed, but i did play live for the CD release party few years back... and as good as that album was as a finished product, my only critism I could make, if I had to, was that it didn't completely and acurately capture what I would describe as the true 'intent" and Energy of the songs.... But I should Clarify.... When you listen to the album, you'd likely say "wow, great tunes" the albums good stuff... Certainly superior to anything I've produced to date.. When I first heard it as a DEMO is was SUPER excieted to be invited to play for the release party..... but (and this is a god thing) in hearing Jon perform it live I'd have to say that While the CD is Definately well worth the cost of purchase and then some, I would also have to say that the Live versions, and subsequent re-takes I've heard from Jon just sound better and more energetic..... which is a good thing, as far too many artist sound great in studio, but see them live and the dissappoint you... That is not the case here at all... the Album, and Live performances are sure to impress...

that being said, it's been a few years since that first album.... Since then Jon's been busy writting some new tunes, and learning more about the production/recording end of things.... i have to go on record as saying that while still a fan of his older stuff, His new songs are Just F__king Awesome.. He has built one hell of a home studio...
Now, when most people say "i built a studio" they generaly mean the bought some stuff and put it in a room... Jon, and his brothers, on the other hand... are quite savy on the technical side... They've literaly re-engineered, and/or rebuilt... Built their own Pre-amps from scratch using schematics and base parts... plus an eclectic but well researched combination of Purchased gear, interfaces, effects, software, etc. The cumulalitive result is a studio that is capable of 24 bit, 96khz recordings with Microphones and acoustic's that would Rival the potential of any FULL production studio...
As much as I had fun and learned some stuff, it was also inspiring to see the potential that this new digital recording technolgy really has..... We finished realatively early, but killed a few extra hours just talking about music, our favorite bands/songs, what we would do if we ever "made it" in music.. what our definition of "made it" is...... all the stuff we musicians talk about when you get us in the same room together.....
Anyway... keep your ears open for the CD once its done.. I'll be sure to mention it here anyway... but definatly worth purchasing and adding to your collection...
Tired now... Must sleep...working at this music stuff just gives me soo much energy... But I have a busy day tomorrow at the day job... so I'd better get to sleep soon...
cheers for now..
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