Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Studio Envy.....

Well, I've had 2 great sessions in 2 great Studios (Sonic Temple and Denmark )in less then a month... Life just doesn't get much better then that...

these studios were probably the highlight of the month though, musically speaking, But they make my little home studio look trivial in comparison. That being said, the encouraging part is that my gear is Compatible... and the unerlying technology is the same.. they just have many many more toys, bells, whistles... oh, and skills... lol but I can learn.. and the rest can happen over time...

In the meantime, My Works going good, Sarah's just a BLAST, Trena's got a new Job that should be less stress, andI've gone from hardly no music, to more opportunities to play, gig, jam, record then I can handle...

In a phrase:

Happier then a pig in Shit!!!

my back still hurts like hell, but Im optimistic at least that it could get better..

I've been going to Chiro and was making remarkable progress, but Im at a point now where i think its the "gonna get worst before it gets better" so if there are any spelling mistakes, tonight I get to blame it on the meds I've been taking...

Oh well... Play the hand your dealt right..

but over all... Life is pretty sweet lately...
to quote "Earl": thanks Karma!!!

Just last weekend I recorded some good friends of mine DA ROCK. live at one of their gigs.. I just took a brake from doing some work on it to write this before going to sleep...

I had hoped to get it mixxed down sooner, but its gonna take a little while..
Im gonna add keys on a few tracks... just for fun.. then there is actually a bit of a process for cutting a live perfomance of some 2 hours into separate songs and burning it to cd... Not difficult, just takes some time...

Oh well.. Im come back to it fresh another day...

its been a a great day, week, month, year... I think 07 is gonna kick some ass!!!!


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