Soon ready for new music projects and/or re-kindle some old ones...
All good things must come to an end... or so they say.... and so it is that my tenure with the band Full Circle is now over... was fun while it lasted, played some cool bars, and made some new friends... it also got me out from behind the keyboard, and behind the bass for a while, so that was cool...
No real Story to tell, just how she goes....... In any band, I think the hardest part is not finding talent, but finding 3 or more people who all want to go in the same direction at the same pace.... but anyway.. enough about that...
... as I'm almost finished the bulk of my work related courses, I'll soon find my self with something I've not had in some time..... Some Free time... whew!
What will I do to fill it? aside from working on the house, I hope to fan some flames to the Documentary project.. and get back into writing/recording some of my own music... but I Think I'll hold off joining up with another band for a while though... My problem is that I've found myself getting increasingly 'fussy' as I get older.... insofar as what I will and wont play...
While they're good tunes, and undeniable crowd pleasers, I just flat out refuse to play stuff like Brown Eye'd girl, Sweet Home Alabama, or Old time Rock and Roll EVER again.....
I'd like to be playing some off the wall Pink Floyd, Styx, Boston, Yes, Alman Bros... and the list grows more eclectic from there..... and not everyone is into that... so I may be out of the bars a while... but thats cool...
anyway... we've had a long weekend, and a longer day.... so I'm off to bed...
I think i'm so burnt out from Facebook, that I've retreated somewhat from bloging also in an attempt to be more private.... I believe I'll turn this "blog" around from a catch all, to mostly music related rantings..... Im nto even sure if anyone still reads this... other then me.. but I dont really care.. sometimes just hearing ideas outloud is good therapy...
Hey Rob, I've been leaving you alone while you finish your coarse thing...good to hear it's coming to an end. I'll get the words to that tune I wrote, to you soon..I'd like to work on some of your stuff as well..Winter's a comin..should be fun!
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