John Maher Rocks!
Well, its no secret that I'm considerably "Out of the Loop" when it comes to the new music scene....
in the 80's and early 90's, I bought everything and anything. I listened to everyone from Randy Travis, to Randy Rhodes (Ozzy Ozbourne's Randy Rhodes tribute Album) and just about everything else I could get my hands on..
.. then about 1992 I just stopped buying Albums.. Partially because I was just too broke and couldn't afford the albums I had, let alone anything new, (and Napster hadn't been invented yet).. So i just fell in to my existing collection, and anything new typicaly had to come by introduction...
Paul Osmond and his buddy Sherman Hynes re-introduced me to Neil Young, (CSNY) and James Taylor, Barry Musseau got me into Mark Knopfler (his guitar album with Chet Atkins) and every now and then I'd get the "Man you gotta hear this"
Maybe your mind closes up when you get older, or maybe, theres a lack of good new music... But occasionally something will make me go "Holy Crap, thats Awesome"
Recent "Ureka" sounds include (but not limited to): Big Wreck, Big Sugar, AudioSlave, and John Mayer...
I'd heard his singles, scene him briefly on Claptons Crossroads festival DVD, but just caught his "Austin City Limits" act.. and the man can F__king wail on that Strat... And Very respectful of his mentors/idols... SRV, and Buddy Guy inclusive...

Anyway.. Not that I'm even remotely qualified to be a critic, but I just had to send out Props... (did i just say props? is that word even still used? good Christ, Im getting old) But Bottom line, the man can realy play that guitar...
Since high School, I've said that if I was to ever really give it a go in Music, in order to truly say that "I made it" i'd need to achieve 3 things..
1. A Juno
2. Your birthday announced on Entertainment Tonight
3. to be invited to Jam on Austin City Limits
Anyways... Seeing Mayer on ACL, reminded me of that...
oh well... at least i can live Vicariously!!! HA ..
Nite all..
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