Saturday, September 16, 2006

Recorded First Song on new Board!!


I think the "Quicktour" guide I downloaded for the Studio Board must have been written by a Musician...

why? well... First, it gives you a quick stroll around the main features.. but when it helps you get into actually recording something, it gives you a list of what other "Stuff" you'll need.. Allow me to quote, verbatum...

"you will need a guitar or microphone and a blank CD-R for this section. Oh, and maybe have a refreshing beverage of your choice ready. :)"

Yes, it even had a happy face.... And later on, it tells you to kick back, listen, and enjoy your "beverage" And wouldn't ya know it.. I was on my 4th Double Appleton Reserve by then, just poured a fresh one.... man.... Life is Sweet!!!!

Anyway... I did a 2 track demo of a song I am writting (called "I'm over it")

and that went ok...

Now I'm trying to dump the 32 track DEMO song it came loaded with to my PC to see how it looks on CUBASE... I'll let ya know how that works out.. !!

Cheers for now..


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