Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Making Progress with Studio, But still could use some help

Been Playing around with the new gear, and Im making progress, but I still need some help..

I am able to play around In Cubase, use the padKONTROL to play drums,But there's something I've not set up correctly, as I have some real latency issues along with a few other glitches.. I'm reasonably certain its something simple that veteran CUBASE user could "Click, Click, ClickL" and fix, but its a little beyond my skills at this time...

Also, I can use the MOTIF pretty Well, but theres More I know I can do with it that I've not yet tapped into.. With Sampling, Sequencing, and the drum sounds there.. It'd be great to be able to connect the padKontrol and the Motif to the PC and be able to control the PC drums and/or Motif Drums from the padKONTROL.. and build a sequence from there... But thats were I start to get boggled...

Here's what I know so far on what I "will" be able to do (with some help)in so far as recording a LIVE act, is concerned...

The more tricky part, and where I need some "expertise" to teach me a little, is in this part... Starting a Song on the PC and/or MOTIF.. and then branching out.... so to speak....

Anyway.. I'm sure I can figure it out in time.. But if you know ANYONE, who's more schooled in this stuff.. PLease let me know.. Would be a Great Help!!!


At 8:43 PM, Blogger Dan said...

I have a padKontrol and use it to play my drum sounds whether they're on my external synth module or plugins. I use Logic Pro and Reason 2.5.

It's definitely possible, I just don't know how to do it in Cubase. There's gotta be somekind of Midi Thru setting per track. I haven't used Cubase in so long.


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