Friday, December 22, 2006

Snake finally arrived...... But damged...

What else can I say... I'm heart broken...

I think this was one of those "Murphies Law" deals where what could have went wrong did...

First, It took almost 2 months to get here... UPS apparantly sent it the wrong direction, or something..

then, I get the call from our sitter that a parcel arrived, was really heavy, and that the side was blown out of the box on two sides....

well, I rush out of work, like a kid at xmas, Hopeful it was just a stupid box that was damage, and that the snake was ok...

I Rip it open... and it seemed, at first glance, to be fine... but the sitter had to leave, I was home alone with our daughter... so I'd have to wait to test it..... I did, however, notice it wasn't exactly what I'd ordered...

if you recal from my early post when I ordered this (for the odd few that actualy ready this) , it was suppose to be 100 ft, 24 send 8 return, and the 8 returns had thise cool XLR or 1/4 connections... ya pay a little extra, but comes in handy...

Well, what I got was 8 XLR returns...

then, after I got Sarah to bed...I got to play with it...
I noticed a dent in the side of the casing, but was still hopefull it was ok... I'd have accepted the dent, as logicaly, I'd likely contribute my own dents over time anyway... but then I tested it...

all channels work.. but i happended to touch a cable during the test... Static... and lots of it... Must be a dud, or bad ground, or something, but no matter where I touch the cable, I get static on EVERY channel.... ARRRRGGGG...

Anyway.. THANK GOD the dude from ebay has been good about it... he seems as upset about it as I am... I'm sure they feel bad about it... from their perspective, shit happens sometimes that's beyond their control, and its just as easily the smacking around UPS might have given it that caused the damage.... In any event, I'm confident (while keeping fingers crossed) that I'll be able to get a full refund and send this one back.. .. In the meantime, however, I'm still without a snake... But thank god again for friends in low places.. lol.. (did i just quote Garth Brooks) I got a lead on a used snake, and can try it before I buy it... So if all goes well, I'll get my cash back on this one, and will pick up a used one... it has some miles, but I'll save a few bucks I guess... Oh well... Could be a lot worst things to happen...

Anyway... I got a bit of work to do tomorrow... few meetings, clear out my office so i can move locatiosn when i come back in January... then its HELLO Xmas VACATION..

I hope to spend as much of it as possible under the influence of Appleton Reserve...
its been a good year in most ways, but a Phucking hard one, with lots of stress in many others ways... .. So While I'm not gonna complain about the back pain, the house not finished, or the work stress stuff, or any of that B.S., ... I will say that I will be celebrating the end of 2006 and welcoming 2007 very enthusiastically (yes.. i can't spell)

In other news, I dropped by Gig Street today to say hello to my old buddy Bruce, and to say good-bye to my dream bass.....

yep... a beautiful 5 string frettles, G&L (the company Leo fender started when he quit Fender and went out on his own)

I made a play to get it (long story that I wont put on the blog,its too embarassing, but its a funny story, so just ask me in person, I'll tell ya... for now, just know that I'm still in the dog house at home about it.. lol) but at the end of the day.. its not gonna happen....

Im not complaining mind ya..... I've had a good run this year, what with the Studio gear, the concerts, and stuff.... ok... yes.... Im gonna complain anyway.. lol... but practicaly speaking... fair is fair... ya can't have it all.... the bass will have to wait for another day....


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