Another day, Another "I need a nap"
Holy Crap... where do these over acheivers get the energy....
you know the types..
Always ahead of their work, neat, tidy, organized, "i"s dotted, t's crossed, already read "that" work related book or article you know you'll never read.... taking the courses or finished them already... volunteering, networkin, taxes done early, blah blah blah...
I often wonder, are their houses clean too???
I mean dont get me wrong... No sour grapes here... I like my job, Im damn lucky to have it... But I've worked hard, paid some dues, and Im proud to say, I'm pretty damn good at it... But I am so wiped out by the end of each day.. the LAST thing I want to do is paper work, catch up, let alone read a course or any work related crap like that... makes ya wonder how some of those other folks seem to have their shit so together???? they seem to eat breath and sleep their work...
I've tried that... lived it for quite few years actualy... and maybe if I could get into that mode again, I'd get ahead a little further and/or faster.. but I wonder at what cost...
shag it..
I'll give it my all 9-5ish mon-friday.. punch the extra hours when its really needed, shag of a little early on occasion, if I've earned it... and when I leave the office, all the work worries and politics don't make it to the elevator...
ok thats a lie... i heard someone else say that, and I just really liked the sound of it...
truth be told actually punch an easy 50hours + a week... and I do sometimes, bring work home... ok, more then sometimes... but im working on that...
I guess I just 'Aspire' to have more balance.... more time too spend time with the family, music, friends.... less stress, less worry, more stability/security.... thats the goal at least: balance...
ok.. Im talking out of my ass...
Im just bitter now cause I brought like 3 hours of work home with me, its 9:20, and I'll never stay awake long enuf to get through it... so now Im torn on what to do... Another way to say that is "procrastinating".....
(click link, read 3rd from bottom)
so do I trudge through it, stay up late, and do less then my best cause im so tired, and then drag my ass all day tomorrow, or do I close the brief case, get a shower, and be in bed before 10:30... then wake up tomorrow, refreshed, and all full of "piss and vinegar" as the old folks say....
yeah.. I like that.... Way to rationalize! Makes about as much sense as the "why beer makes you smarter argument", but thats a story for another day...
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