Need and 8th Day...
the hardest part of coming back from a vacation, especially a fun one, is settling back in to the work routine...
had a decent week, building towards a decent month... But man... talk about paper work.. overwheleming at times..
I used to be able to catch up with an hour here and there at nite, but with Sarah, and "the back", that just doesn't happen anymore.. at least no easily.. but oh well.. play the hand your delt...
Just finished making a comfy little work area in my studio, with the laptop, a document holder, riser, and wireless keyboard/mouse... And the resolution is to set aside a few hours over the weekend to catch up..
Im actually looking forward to next week, being a full work week.. to get things back in regular gear again...
for now.. its time to start supper, and cut some limes for the rum!! Yee-Haw!!
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