Monday, May 26, 2008

Thank Heavens its Monday.. Opps... Maybe not...

Wild weekend…

I had a GREAT weekend, very productive and fun on all fronts... and it was a welcomed end to a tough week... You see, our week didn’t start out to good.. The previous weekend, we set to work finishing the pad where we’d eventually put Sarah’s play set.. Over the course of a couple weekend, Trena and I had made a box, on the ground, of 6x6 ties, 24 x 21. It wasn’t on level ground, so it was challenging to make ti all work out, and also, we had some big holes to fill in the two back corners… But we took it as an opportunity to clean up the property of a lot of old ugly rocks, and what-not, and bury it… so we use that as fill, then had about 18 yards of Soil Deliverd First, Crushed Stone. To form the foundation, then crushed dust, which will pack to make a firm foundation for the play set will sit on, then peastone, for “cushion” and look… as she bounces off the slide….

So were got all this gravel in piles in our front yard, ready to roll, when someone suggests that we may be on top of our septic field and that that’s a big no-no…

Anyway, that sparked off a whole chain of events, and mass panic on the part of my better half… If that theory was right, we'd have tro dissassemble and rebuild the box, move all those rocks, again, and between that, and having to pay for the septic engineers fee's and all that, it would have been upwards of 1,000 bucks or more out of pocket... Not a good thing.. But, to my credit, I’d strongly suspected we were a-ok, (I even made a substantial bet on it*) but I had to get proof….

So after a barrage of calls to septic-folks… HRM, Dept of Environment, digging so many wholes in the back yard in search of our tank that it looked like a mass gravesite… a week later (and a week behind schedule) we find the tank and resolve that Yes… were A-OK…. And As we did all the work ourselves, EVEN hauling the gravel, it cost us nothing.....

But let me back up a step......... So its Saturday morning… I’d worked all day, then all night till well after 2am doing sound for Da-Rock.. And I’m up at 7:30… to start the day.. We call around, but no one has a bobcat/tractor available… so My Father in law and I set to work moving the gravel the old fashion way. Shovel, Wheel Barrell and Rake.. Around 11ish Trena’s back from Sarahs Dance Class, and she digs in as her mother takes care of Sarah.. Then Theresa, my sisterinlaw, arrives, followed by Steve Mac, (bassist In the new band) complete with his own rake, shovel, and wheellbarrell.. While Mac only had time for a few hours, it was amazing how fast it went.. By near 4:20ish, it was done.. (less the peastone which goes in after the structure is built)
So its bath and a quick nap for me.. then back to the bar for soundcheck..

The gig went well… I brought so of my own gear to get better control of EQ and effects vs. the stuff built into their board… I think it worked out well as I was able to squeeze a little more juice out of their system.. They need another sub, but it still worked out ok.. They played well, sounded good, and the crowd sure loved it..

The celtic/newfie/ and popular rock stuff is not my favorite genre…Bongwater was actually built partially on the premise of NEVER playing songs like Brown Eyed Girl and Sweet home Alabama, again.. I tend to be stuck on 70’s/80’s rock and to a certain extent, B-sides… but I got to give credit where credit is due… They run the band like business, the play a part, and the block the bars wherever they play.. They’ve built an impressive momentum over just a few years, and its only going to get better.. I’ve also noticed a dramatic improvement in their musical ability too….so its obvious, they practice.. and it makes a difference.. Its Saturday night, first night of the NHL playoffs, and I thought we’d get 20-30…. Boy, was I wrong.. it’s a full house, and the place is JUMPING! Wow…

Anyway.. another 3am crash landing… I think I fell asleep in my jeans and woke up around 5 or so to peel off a few layers… then drift off some more….. and 8am.. its back to work…

It takes me about 20 min to kick into 1st gear, but by 9am were deep into construction
And by 7:20ish, ,were not done, but were done for the day. The majority of the structure is up, and Richard’s got to head back to B-wtr…

But, no rest for the wicked.. I still have to mow the lawn, take out the garbage, put the tools away and tidy up…. By the time I hit the shower, its 9pm and Im one hurtin unit…. I fire up the hot water bottle, a pepsi, oh-henry and a big bowl of popcorn COVERED in butter…. And settle in to a few episodes of season 3 of Boston Legal… Part way through the 3rd episode, Im drifting.. so I shut it off, and Its probably the fastest I’ve fallen asleep in years… but Im out..

I actually got up before the alarm, (albeit by a few minutes) and for the first time in months, Im actually looking forward to work.. It was a Great weekend.. it had it all, Music, Family, Food, a good book (oh yeah, my Kevin Smith Book arrived, Hilarious, I was actually reading it at the bar during downtime) but Im exhausted and riding the desk will be a welcome change…

But the natural high is short-lived… back to work... blah... lol

I think I was riding high on the good news of our septic system being ok, (and not having to move and rebuilt the box) and the optimism of some other work related stuff...and the fun of hanging with my family, building a project, How excited Sarah’s getting…

in other news... Mom’s due in town today.. My family's bizarre… at least, I’m learning that they are… When you grow up a certain way, you think its normal.. but I’ve been told we’re not.. Or maybe we are, its just a Newfie vs mainlander thing..

Back home.. we drop in on people.. and people drop in on you.. Doesn’t matter if its supper time, if the house is a mess.. or whatever… that’s just how we roll… My house could look like a hurricane hit it.. You drop in on me, I’m cool with it.. I figure “hey, you’ve caught me offguard, so just act like the mess isn’t hear” that said, I’ve learned Mainlanders like notice… Typically, A few days notice for an overnight visit, and at least a few hours notice for a quick in/out visit.. Anyway.. My point, I found out last night via email (after trena had passed out) that mom’s gonna be at the house today around 5ish.. Not sure if she’s staying the night or not, and if her travelling buddy’s staying with her, but the house has been a construction site for 2 weeks now.. its not at its usual best… so When I sprung the news on the better half this am, her stress level peaked… I should’nt laugh.. but sometimes its just funny… oh well.. F—k it..My philosophy is “I’d apologize for the mess, but we live here… were messy… deal with it..” and that’s about all I have to say about that..

Anyway.. I should get back to work… its really hard getting in gear on Monday am… I’ve already had one meeting, which was fun and went well, but the rest of my day is administration….. oh joy, oh bliss….. someone hit me in the head with a f—king brick please!


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