Stones in Halifax....
Well, it was wet, soggy and umcomfortable.. and I don't know what hurts more.. my back, or my feat... At least I can say.. I was there..
Trena and I missed Sloan, but caught Alice, the rapper, and the Stones in the 50,000 plus crowd yesterday..
What impressed me the most, in addition to the crowd sticking it out with the weather.. was the BANDS.. not just the Stones, but all of them..
I mean it was MISERABLE weather.. I can only imagine how hard it would have been to play in that, as I never have.. Any outdoor event I've even been involved in would have been cancelled... Mind you, with those events, you were looking at less then 5% of the crowd you had yesterday, but man... My fingers were too soggy to open my back pack, How'd they Play Guitar??
but they did.. they "Sucked it up" as they say and made the best of it... and the Crowd loved it..
My thoughts? Well, Mick is Timeless, still as Energetic as the videos I've seen over the years... (I've never seen them live before) and Charlie Watts is Like a clock.. But Keith, man, what can you say about Keith that Hasn't been said already...
But God bless them for playing.. I mean, it was NASTY NASTY WET and Wicked rain.. That kind of sideways rain that gets up in under...
So what are my thoughts of the concert?
Well... here's the Honest truth... I'm glad I went, But.
I've seen Pink Flood in 87
Eagles in 05
U2 and Bon Jovi in 06 and I would have to conceed that all of those shows, in my "unqualified" opinion, were better...
Bon Jovi's outdoor show had every bit a bigger and more entertaining Stage Show, plus the over sound quality and Mix was better, Pink Floyd and Even the Austrialian Pink Floyd Show had more "Inflatable" thingys..... Nickleback had more Pyro technics...
So one thing the Stones did that topped them all was the Fireworks..And ok, that Moving Stage thing... that was REALLY cool... but by all accounts.. I'd have to rank this as probably number 5 or 7 as my all time best concerts I've seen...
But I'll say it again, Bravo for toughing out the rain and giving it 110%.. They may make a ton of money off these gigs, but no one can ever say they didn't work for it...
anyways... Im still glad I went.. I mean, after all.. It was the Stones... Not like I'm likely to see them again...
I'm hoping the damage to the commons is repairable and the City decides to do this again...
What kind of Acts would I like to see in Halifax???? In my dreams Halifax would host a Pink Floyd Reunion, but I wont hoild my breath for that one... Maybe the Eagles, U2, as a two-for, maybe Aerosmith and AC-DC would be an awesome combo... Tom Petty would also be a good one.. Elton John, Clapton, those would be my top pics...
Anyways... Back to the real world.. Have a house to clean, dog to walk, work to do
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