Craving small town Life.. Had enuff of the city..
Life just moves too fast... Always in a hurry, but it seems ya get nothign done??? Is it just me? Is it the city? or is it our new I-Pod/Blackberry Lifestyle???
I have more friends from Home that live in Halifax then live home, plus I have NEW friends, and I hardly ever get to see them...
one of my best friends in the whole world has had a baby... he's a almost a month old now.. and I've not been to visit... partially due to work stuff, but also due to us seeming to taking turns with a Cold/Flu lately.... but its always something... i
Maybe its the changing times, But I remember life back home being a much slower, relaxed, and enjoyable pace... I saw my friends more often.. and I remember us having more quality time.. Not that we did anything elaborate, but we had fun
they'd drop in the store.. I'd see them at other places.. after supper, you might visit or be visited... and you could walk it all or drive it in 5 min or less. (ok maybe 10)
seems nowadays.. theres not drop ins, no visits.. everying has to be freaking scheduled, or called in advance.. trafic, line ups, arrrggg!!!!
I was talking to an old friend a while back.. about how lucky we were to have the childhood we had, back in Portauxbasques when we did... and we were... I wouldn't trade it for the world...
but as much as I miss those days.. their gone now... the town is not the same... nor is any town for that matter.. but PAB is different now... and you have to be from there to truly understand what I mean... and its a shame really...
its still a good town, with good people.. but it has been hurt with the colapse of the fishing industry combined with other economic changes... I just thank god there are still some forward thinking people there who have never given up.. and are still trying to breathe new life into it... they keep it alive.. give us all hope...
Would I move back? maybe.... yeah... maybe...
but theres other cool towns too that I could be just as happy in..
anyway.. I'm rambling.. , sorry..
everyone has a lofty dream, or two abuot what they'd do if they won the loto, and all that jazz..... One of my "Pipe Dreams" has been to own 40 or more acres of land...preferably a good hike ABOVE sealevel...A little house in the middle of the front 10... a garage like I described in an earlier post... and again just recently, and not that I want to be a farmer... but land that would be "suitable" to become a farm if you ever needed to.. even if just a hobby farm... Somewhere like Kentville, Windsor, Middleton, Bridgewater.. Anyway... it likely wont happen, but thats wy its called a pipe dream...
But I been thinking of that a bit lately . especialy with this freakishly warm weather we've had, and talk of global warming.... make no mistake, under this calm exterior lies a deep rooted fear of an eventual apocalypse... ha ha ha Maybe I watched Too many Mad Max movies and the like, but its happening bit by bit, all around us.. So with that in the back of my mind, I've sometimes wondered, what would happen....with all this e-commerce, for example,, if we ever get nuked, and the electric grids get destroyed, with no paper money, and no means of trade, there goes your purchasing power and your economy.. and its back to the barter system... So if you can grow your own food, make your own electricity, water, via solar, wind, water power, whatever, if you couldnt make it all, you could barter the rest and be ahead of the game... It may not be in my lifetime, or my daughters, but someday... it could come to that.. and if it doesnt, what could it hurt to be prepared..
Didn't Nostrodamus predict that world war 4 would be fought with sticks and stones? I dunno.. maybe I just need a good stiff drink tonight.. lol
Trena's away till tomorrow nite... Sarahs asleep.. Dishes are done, house is "semi" clean.. and Id love to do some studio stuff, but I think Im just gonna go veg with the tv..... I think I'm just worn out!! need a vacation...
anyway.. gotta run... maybe I'll find a cheers re-run or something Nostalgic!!!
Peace out!
Some deep stuff there dude! Yeah, I agree, the world is in a slow downwirled spiral..... Have to live for today!
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