Friday, August 18, 2006

Made the Order! Finally!

Well... I Bit the Bullet and Made the order!!

I been saving my spare change, birthday cash, going without lunches, Tims, Movies, Rum, DVD's, magazines, even passed on a Roger Waters ticket, but I just can't wait anymore...

I'm just hoping I'll get to have it for at least a month before technology leap-frogs me and something new comes out thats better and cheaper! Oh well.. One up side is this in just an interface.. the recording part is softwarebased on the computer... so as that changes, hopefully I'll have access to the newer versions ...

I'm hoping it will be here within a month or so.. and then I'll be able to start recording some original material, live acts.. and it will certainly come in handy for the "Almost Famous" project.. ..

I've gotten so good at, well, being a tightwad, that I think I'll keep the jar going... (yes, I actually have a jar.. I even labeled it, and count and track every penny!!) While this unit was the BIG Kahuna, theres a lot of other toys I'd love to have down the road... So I think I'll keep the savings going... Could take a lot longer for the next one, but all in good time...

On the short list of whats up next (just in case your interested, or are thinking of Xmas ideas, lol)...
-A hard shell case for my keyboard,(Gator G-TOUR 76)
-a half decent condensor mic
-an expansion piece for this board(Tascam fe-8) Pic Right -->
-a decent desk/workstation to put all this sh_t on (Omnirax F2 or Forte (see pics below)
-and someday, a decent PA, board, and lights.. but these things are for WAY long term, realistically retirement or "Lotto" but hey.. everyones got a dream... Some folks dream of golf or Harleys... I dream of music... altought Trena jokes that a drug habit might be less expensive... Somehow, while i think she may have a point, I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that Music is a healthier diversion.. tired, but excited... this board was a big milestone.. and who knows.. maybe i can use it to make the cash to get the other stuff...

One can only hope...
Here's some pics of that Ominrax gear... Kicks ass but mega pricey... if anyone out there fancies themself a carpenter and thinks they can Build something like this cheap.. EMAIL ME.. I have Schematics!!!

Anyway.... Special thanks to Mike Lamoureaux for the firefox tip, If not for that, I'd be unable to do anything net-based.. (for some reason my PC decided it no longer wants to run internet explorer)

G-Nite!!! and Good Weekend!!!


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