Monday, October 23, 2006

Willie gets a "Back Stage Pass" on Marine Atlantic Crossing

Just cleaning up old files and found these pics... I've had them for a while, and Can't beleive i didn't post them unitl now..

What u see here is WILLIE NELSON
Jamming with Troy Gillam.. in the Crew's section on the Marine Atlantic Boat...
Troy is along time friend of mine, fine guitar player, and fellow PortAuxbasques'er....

Troy was the guitarist in the VERY first Band I was EVER in...
We were called COVER-UP and i think I was in 7th grade...

Anyway.. Aparantly Willie loves to jam, and many of the boys on the boat play music as well, so the Marine Atlantic Boys rolled out the red carpet for Willie!!
I was not there, but I'm told it was quite the day!!! Im very very Jealous!!!

Wish I was there...

Better then any live concert... Troy can now forever say he jammed with a living legend!!!



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