Maslow's hierarchy

Seem to have less and less time for this stuff... but such is life I guess... family and work first, then the household stuff... then some music stuff and then, if there's time.. some blogging..... but all in good time.. just seems theres always something a little more important lately.. or at least more urgent..
anyway.. its been a wild ride these past few weeks to say the least...
this pic on the left here is taken (while driving, opps) from my phone, in the Rental van, with all my buddies following behind.... We had our own little convoy going..
Were still not finished unpacking.. theres stuff we cant find.. and stuff we forgot we can't find until we need it.... I can't get in to the garage.. BUT I am determined to re-claim it if its the last thing i do... (My dad bet me I'd never park my car in there and I just have to prove him wrong.... lol) and believe it or not, I still havn't organized my music room... its in the worst state of all the house... Priorities I guess...
We did, however remove wallpaper in my daughters room and a bathroom, primed both.. and got 2 coats of paint in the former... I have to sand the later before putting on new paint.... got my Big screen mounted, then remounted, and all the wires run... Connected internet, phone and cable to my music room, connected internet an phone to Trena's computer desk... painted the upstairs hallway and downstairs hallway... presurewashed a good deal of concrete outrside, hauled 18 bags of leaves to the curb and burned as many in a little fire we had, and cripes... theres more.. im just too tired to think of it all for now..
Suffice to say, we've worked our arses off.. but is all worth it.. The house is 20 yrs old, and needs a little TLC, but I do love it... its got Character... so on ward we go!!! Im just so tired... but it will all be worth it in the end..
Works going GREAT... man.. did i ever luck out... Its a job I'll be good at, with people I like, and a company I can see spending the rest of my career with... PLUS!! its truly a 9-5 job.... thats not common in my field... usually its more like 7-7 plus... so I'm counting my blessings!!! Until Oct Im just taking courses.. which is kind of boring, but its a tremendoues luxery to be able to focus on these courses like this and not have to take them while actually working... Come Oct, I'll be gun-hoe to make sure they know i can earn my keep... so I'll likely put in a few extra hours then.. but its worth it....
Music's on the upswing as well.. turns out my Next Door Neighbor Runs his own recording Studio.... How cool is that.. man.. these past 5 years have been one odd/cool coincidence after another... not the least of which is that Im living in Stillwater.... anyone care to guess the name of the band in one of my all time favorite movies was??????? You guessed it.. STILLWATER... anyway... now Im just sounding like a geek...
Speaking of which.. We (aka the FULL CIRCLE band) will be opening for Trooper a week from today!
I dont care how big of a geek it makes me.... Im taking my HOT SHOTS album and getting them to Sign it!!!!
We did have some relaxation... My mom took care of our little one for a nite and we went out to a housewarmer that ended up at the pouge fado...
I was D.D. and I gotta tell you.. it was a blast... I got to jam a little bit with some new friends, and got to hear some great live music!
But you kind of realize your not 19 any more when all the kids walking by you smell like the cologne/perfume section at Sears, and you smell like Deep Woods Off!!!
As I looked at the state my hands were in when I got home, I thought of all the clues a CSI would find on them to what i'd been up to all week long... Yup... I watch too much TV!!!!
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