Monday, June 25, 2007

Music is a Drug!

So I come down stairs tonight.. all gun ho for the next installment of Entourage, but Im an hour early... its not on till 11, and its only 10...

So... do I continue the last 200 pages of the book i've been reading all week (ok, its Harry Potter, Halfd Blod Prince... I've already read it once, just refreshing m memory getting ready for the next installment) or go in to the Studio and bang out another keyboard track for Jon Mathesons new cd.... the Studio won.. Entourage's been over now for about 20 min.... I've still not seen it.. still in here.. mixing down the last 2 tracks I did to MP# so I can hear it in the car tomorrow...

Fuck I Love this stuff...

Anyway... its late. tomorrows a work day... but oh well.. Its why we work isn't it.. to support the Fun stuff??

it was one busy weekend, to say the least..

I kicked off my weekend with a little dumpster diving for boxes...

Yes... Im not too proud to dumpster dive...

We've (ok, Trena's) been packing boxes almost every nite.. Even with the loads of boxes the Box ferry's been dropping off each nite we still needed more.. (ok, there's no such thing as a box ferry... just a good friend who's been dropping some off from his work each nite)

I cant believe it...

jeepers... I just typed a play by play of every boring thing i did this weekend, realized how dry it was and just hit DELETE...

so here's Cole Notes..

We packed, we drywalled, we ran errands.. we went to a party, we packed some more, we had company.. we ran some more errands, and we went to the Blue Cross Fund Canoe thingy Fund raiser... where The rain PISSED down like back in Noah's day... .... But they had LIVE music, so it was all good... and some stuff for the kiddies.. but I was really excited to hear the bands.. they were REALLY KICK ASS!!! and Im not just saying that!!!

I got to hear ROCKSHOW, Pursuaders and Kung Fu Tree's
And I'm pleased to say that even my 2.5 year old daughter thought they were great ... She was quite content to stay out in the rain to listen... Mesmorized by live music she is... Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy!!!

Anyway... then it was inside to warm up.. get some eats and a few double rums for daddy (moma was my D.D.) and chasing the little one around the hall for a few hours... She ran so fast I couldn't get the dam camera phone thingy to focus... which, for the purposes of this blog is just ducky, as I'm leary to put pics of her on here anyway... especially current ones..

But all in all.. a great time!

so now I got to finish up this studio stuff, and go pull Entourage off the DVR.... I know its late.. but I wont sleep anyway...

Nite all!!


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