Monday, February 19, 2007

Can I call it Karma??

Well, my ECMA pass got me into everything except for the Galla Event.... So I'd resolved to watch it on TV and would have likely skipped the after party as well...

or so I thought.....

Last minute, good friends Todd and Heidi Pike, called me with two Galla passes that also came with passes to a VW after party...

Johnny Osmond came with me, and It was a blast... Johnny and I also hung out for the Juno partys last year.... Think I see a trend here...

Anyway, the VW party had the Novacs and In Flight Safety.. Pretty Cool!!!
And as if that wasn't cool enuff, we then ran up to the main after party where there was free food, and a band called "Mason Hill". I'd never heard of them before, but they were really cool...

there would have likely been more bands, but it was getting pretty late for a school nite so we ran back the the VW party to catch a few tunes from In Flight Safety... I even got to interview one of the Novac's and met Sam Moon our way out... he gave me his card and agreed to an interview later..

So now its Monday nite... and I'm Kind of in the dog house for something I posted in an earlier blog (since deleted)... Inocent enuff, but actually kind of stupid in hindsight.... oh well... Chaulk it up to just one of those stupid things men do...

Now I gotta go make nice nice....


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Met Bob Ezrin

If you want to read full article, click on this smaller pic...

Id seen a few guest speakers over last 2 days, all impressive, but this was the one I was most looking fwd to.

I even got to ask a question, got my WALL DVD autographed, and video taped the entire thing....

I was intending to stick around after, check out some bars featuring more live acts.. but I got to admit... I was just too tired... I can't imagine how exhausted Scotty must be, he HAD to stay... so While there was certainly more stuff to do and see, I'd maxxed out, and I'd come down off the natural high I was on, and was just ready to chill out... Trena Even offered to get a sitter and come back downtown with me, but I opted to spend the nite at home with her instead... I enjoy that to... and sometimes doing nothing is fun... Plus, I realized that as much as I'd love to be working in the music biz, come Monday, its back to reality and the day job....

But all in all, it was a hell of a good time... I even bumped into Jimmy Rankin again... (third time in a year) he recognized me, (I dont think he knows my name, but remembers me as the "Songwriting banker guy") Anyway... he said Hello, and I said... "Hey Lennie"

Yup... I called Jimmy Rankin, Lenny.. Not sure if he caught it, but Im sure he did.. As soon as the words left my mouth I through "Shit", I knew better... One of those brain farts I guess that just happens...

Oh well..

But I also met this dude.. from the band Pogey along with a ton of other cool people in the industry....

so after a nice nite on the couch, I'm feeling pretty rested and ready for the Week ahead..

I may do some recording later today.... But likely not much as I also need to get my office cleaned up. Its gonna be a Busy weak coming up at work, and while It may not be "Music" it pays the bills, and for the microphones, cables, studio gear, etc... so I can't complain too much... lol...

Cheers for now..

Saturday, February 17, 2007

ECMA's were overwhelming... and its not over yet...

Holy Crap man,

where do I start?

I guess first I need to say thank you SCOTT for getting me the pass....

In addition to the show that gets aired on TV.. there is a whole bunch of conference type stuff happening... There's actual classes you can go to about various topics, like Music Publishing 101..

There was just so much incredible stuff to take in I didnt know what to do with myself, just that it was one hell of an exciting rush of a day...

And I get to go back tomorrow to see more.....

Im especially looking forward to hearing Bob Ezrin speak... I'm gonna take my WALL DVD in tomorrow and see If I can't scam an autograph..

And if you Don't know who bob is..... just google his name... if you don't know him.. you should... Worth researching if you dont...

Backstage at the Palace

Us on the 72 Hour Jam Stage at the Palace

I spent the whole day running from class to class, meeting people, making friends and it was nothing short of incredible..

I got to me Dave Gunning, ran in to Ron Hynes again, Terry Kelly, JP Cormier, and too many other artists to mention... Not to mention some of the industry reps, and mucky-mucks...


I also ran into a guy I used to work with who is now into the Podcasting business... Plus a bevy of agents, promoters, etc... Most of which are interested in helping out with my Documentary idea.... tooo Phucking Cool for school man...

Its now 2:55 am as I type this, and Im running on a bowl of cherios and a small steamed rice and lemon chicken combo and i'm so pumped I can barely sit still....

and Itd be hard pressed to say what I enjoyed more... Certainly, getting to play at the PALACE for the 72 hour jam (Pic's above) was cool, but not as cool as some of the other stuff...

Mind you we played for less then 25 people at the Palace... (5 of those were bar staff) but it was still fun...

That said, Special thanks to Todd Aucoin for coming out to hear us.. THE ONLY PERSON ON MY EMAIL LIST WHO DID BY THE WAY!!...

I then got to check out a lot of other great Bands at various bars, including Duane Andrews who was freaking incredible....

This guy plays a gypsy king /jazzy style of music with a Newfie twist to it... and it was like Butter for my ears!! just incredible

I met the head of the newfoundland Music association ( a position formally held by Ducat Drummer Roger Skinner) She was very cool and even offered some great contacts and suggestions for my documentary project...

Anyway. I left there after Duane's set to catch up with my Friends from My Last Resort

I was equally as excited to catch up with Good friend, and Sound Man Extrodinaire, Chuck!!!

Who, incidentally, has already aggreed to do sound and provide the Full PA and Light show for Next Xmas's Jam Party...

Its just been a great day... While I'd love to get out the camera and upload the video.... I really need to eat now and get some sleep.... and will likley be kept awake with Dreams of music, and an alternate reality where I could be lucky enuff do do stuff like this full time.....

maybe someday... in the meantime.. its one hell of a hobby!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

We play ECMA's Tomorrow

7pm at the Palace, Friday! Im playing bass with Full Circle..

come check it out if you can..


Interview with Ron Hynes went well

Not gonna talk too much about it, you'll have to wait till I finish the documentary and see the footage there... No Spoilers here... ha ha...

But the great news is that I had a one on one with Ron Hynes on Tuesday, for a little more then an hour...

Over an Excellent meal of Fish and Chips at Wharf Wraps, in Eastern Passage, we Talked about his career, the music industry, and some of its lesser known icons.... Anyway.. I'm pretty excited.. My little project is starting to gain some momentum...

Thanks Ron! I really Appreciate it!!

Also thanks to Lynn, and to the staff at Wharf Wraps!!

Colin James was Awesome

Trena and I caught Colin Jams at his Rebecca Cohn show, front row and centre on the 13th...

It was Glorious... and just can't say enuff great things about it..

Also impressive was the opening act, Michael Kaeshammer..
This dude played piano and sang, just him and a drummer... I was speechless...

Kind of musician that's so good, I don't know if I want run home and practice my Piano for a month or set the darn thing on fire and never touch it again....

and to my "2" loyal readers.. (ha ha) sorry for the brief posts and lack of detail lately.. but just been too busy.....

Monday, February 12, 2007


I was lighlty mocked today for being a "Blogger" and I guess it is something new.. and not for everyone... personally, While I havn't had time lately to get into much, I enjoy it..

I dont think a lot of people read this regularly.. although some have said they do, I think thats just something people say, but dont really mean, to be polite.. With everyone so busy these days... I can't imagine I'd have time to read all my budies blogs faithfully... although I do tune in on occasion... and sometimes thats cool... but im loosing my point here...

whether it gets read or not.... throughout grade school and even highschool, in addition to "rock star" dreams, I used to really like writing.. storys,jokes, etc.. so I guess I still do, ... I even have an idea for a great Cook Book believe it or not (thats a two rum minimum before I tell ya that one) so for me... its good therapy... even if its mostly just fluff!...

But then I found my self re-reading some past posts... and I've realized that my blog is censored!!! Yep... Censored... but its somewhat subconcious..

-I Keep info about my daughter out for safety reasons, and what i do put in is generic, and stale dated,
-I don't mention my work (day job) at all.... (call that survival instinct)
-and my occasional concert and/or album reviews have been also a little light (aka, lack edge and a true/firm opinion) ... I think I'm such a fan of music in general, and so eager (however naively) to wedge myself into the music industry that I think I hold back mostly cause I dont want to rick pissing anyone off who I might be asking fo help someday later.... who knows...

oh well.. I dont get paid to do this.... so Phuck it... I still enjoy it...

but for anyone who does read this... I have TWO recomendations..

1. TV: there was a show out last year that I Knew I was gonna love and I was right... Its called Love Monkey... and its not about love or monkeys.. but an A&R rep from a record company... I think it aird like 3 episodes before it got cancelled, but Much music just picked it up and is running it in reruns.. but now I've seen them all, and I dont think there are any more episodes... which really sucks, because its awesome..

The previews made it seem like it was going to be about this "man-whore" guy (played by the dude from Ed (lawyer/bowling alley/cibc comercial guy) which I think was the premise of the book, but the show actually doesn't realy go down that road at all, and focuses mostly on the music business... actually, the main character on the TV show has my DREAM job... So whether accurate or not, the sneak peak behind the scenes of the music biz is like crack cocaine to me!!! I just googled the Book its supposidly based on, and I dont think I'll buy it... doesnt resemble the show to me at all, and actually looks more like a dude version of bridgette jones... and while its suposidly a good read, I'll pass.... anyway....

2. if you have a boo-boo.. espeically cracked finger-tips or paper cuts.. this stuff rocks.. It stinks a little like hospital, stings a little, is difficult to remove, and takes forever to dry, but its great if your play piano or guitar in the winter and your hands dry up and crack.....

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wheres Jim Croce (did I spell that right) when u need him..

actually trying to make a play on words around "time in a bottle" but Im just not that sharp this morning to pull it off..

anyway... "insert standard rant about not having enough time to do the things you want to do let alone have to do" here

and lets just call it a day... ha ha....

seriously though.. Lots of neat stuff going on lately, but will have to catch up later.... too uch stuff to do right now to type about it..

in the meantime, I got some more videos posted on you tube

Friday, February 02, 2007

Back in the day....

Two videos of a Cover Band I was in in very early 90's

Was a "sequenced" trio... which is to say the bass, drums, and some backing strings, etc.. (and even the light show) was pre-recorded on the keyboards computer...

We toured the west coast of nfld.. and ocassionaly made it to central or Bonivista..

If you look close... I had one hell of Mullet cut... All business up front, All Rock n Roll in the back!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Think I'd prefer the Kick in the Nutz afterall

Van ended up being a costly repair...

Ignition had to be replaced.. And By choice, I asked for the standard Oil/Filtre change, tire rotation, and it was due for new spark plugs (gotta keep up on that stuff) But I guess I needed some work done to my breaks, and last, but not least...the transmission was leaking fluid.. (when it rains it pours)

I guess silver lining, it didn't run dry and burn up the trany... (i'd lost the transmission in my old van... and THAT was no fun at all) So we caught before that was even close to happening.. And same goes for the brakes... Better to find the leak now.. then press for brakes and have none.... But Im rationalizing.... a four figure repair job is never fun.... Kind of sucked the wind out of the week... Not to mention the ol' budget...

Oh well..