Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I've been in awe lately of little tiney doses of "good luck" nothing too serious, but stuff like running late for a meeting, and every light turns green for... Pulling up to the curb to park and not having change, but the meters already got an hour on it.. Winning the little 50/50 draw at the office, Getting our daughter into not one, but "2" day cares that would normally have a huge wait list (we already picked on of the 2) etc....

Well, just when I was about to stock up on loto, I think the streak officially came to a close... My faithly 02 Grand Caravan's ignition refused to let me start it... Key wont turn in the ingnition... But then again, its been coming for a while... (I've often had to "giggle it" and it didnt happen 1st thing in the am when I needed to be somewhere.. it happend at the gas station, at the end of the day...

My neighbor, Mike Tighe,(thanks mike) took me to the Dodge shop to see if they could cut a key to make it work.. but I'd missed the service guys.. and they thought it was the ignition, not the key itself.... So my next problem.. How long will I have to wait for a tow truck.... Before I could ask for a number to a tow company, the Added touch guy walks in the dealership.... he follows us back to the van, and "mischief managed" (You have to be a fan of Harry Potter to get that quote"

So I got a rental lined up for tomorrow... (still gotta work) and while it does suck to have a repair bill coming, its still better then a monthly payment... and a hell of a lot better then a kick in the nuts... so on we go...

on a music note::: looks like I 'might' have some help getting some grant money for the Rockumentary project, and some assistance with filming/ post production.. keep tuned for more info.. in the meantime.. click here for the new temporary web site for the project..

On a Commercial note:

Table, Chairs and Hutch for sale....
100% solid wood.. shown here with 4 chairs (i have 6 total) and 1 insert (i have 2 total)

make us an offer

Monday, January 29, 2007

Check out the updated version...


Building some serious momentum it seems... Keep an eye out.. should have some more news about this to share soon.. in the meantime.. check out the link..


Friday, January 26, 2007

Where does the Time go

Never got to vacuum again tonight.. and can't really do it once the little one's asleep.. but will have to be done soon.. dust bunnies rolling round the house like tumble weeds...

oh well.. At least Trena got her cake made!

Not bad for a home made jobby!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another day, Another "I need a nap"

Holy Crap... where do these over acheivers get the energy....

you know the types..

Always ahead of their work, neat, tidy, organized, "i"s dotted, t's crossed, already read "that" work related book or article you know you'll never read.... taking the courses or finished them already... volunteering, networkin, taxes done early, blah blah blah...

I often wonder, are their houses clean too???

I mean dont get me wrong... No sour grapes here... I like my job, Im damn lucky to have it... But I've worked hard, paid some dues, and Im proud to say, I'm pretty damn good at it... But I am so wiped out by the end of each day.. the LAST thing I want to do is paper work, catch up, let alone read a course or any work related crap like that... makes ya wonder how some of those other folks seem to have their shit so together???? they seem to eat breath and sleep their work...

I've tried that... lived it for quite few years actualy... and maybe if I could get into that mode again, I'd get ahead a little further and/or faster.. but I wonder at what cost...

shag it..

I'll give it my all 9-5ish mon-friday.. punch the extra hours when its really needed, shag of a little early on occasion, if I've earned it... and when I leave the office, all the work worries and politics don't make it to the elevator...

ok thats a lie... i heard someone else say that, and I just really liked the sound of it...

truth be told actually punch an easy 50hours + a week... and I do sometimes, bring work home... ok, more then sometimes... but im working on that...

I guess I just 'Aspire' to have more balance.... more time too spend time with the family, music, friends.... less stress, less worry, more stability/security.... thats the goal at least: balance...


ok.. Im talking out of my ass...

Im just bitter now cause I brought like 3 hours of work home with me, its 9:20, and I'll never stay awake long enuf to get through it... so now Im torn on what to do... Another way to say that is "procrastinating".....
(click link, read 3rd from bottom)
so do I trudge through it, stay up late, and do less then my best cause im so tired, and then drag my ass all day tomorrow, or do I close the brief case, get a shower, and be in bed before 10:30... then wake up tomorrow, refreshed, and all full of "piss and vinegar" as the old folks say....

yeah.. I like that.... Way to rationalize! Makes about as much sense as the "why beer makes you smarter argument", but thats a story for another day...


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Back in the Saddle!

As much as I love Music, and it seems that its all I enjoy talking about, I get to do surprisingly little of it, at the end of the day..

Not for lack of interest, certainly, just only so many hours in a day, and so many other things competing for time...

Anyway... After an extended hiatis, we finally re-started our original music project tonight, and hope to keep it up as a regular 'Tuesday Nite' routine...

Aside from a little commericial I helped a buddy at work record, it was really the first time I got to play with my new Condenser Mic's...

All I can Say is WOW..

Previously i was limited to the guitars pick up, a borrowed Sure 58, and a mic cable with a bad ground... With the 2 new mics (and some good cables) WHAT a difference it made!!!

While certainly the best acoustic I've ever owned myself, the Garrison is not a "Great" studio Guitar... thats not a slight, it is a really good guitar, but it has its place... I guess I was just really Missing my Dad's old Gibson Humming bird, but with the garrison, and new Mic's, I think I'll fair out just fine for now...

First we recorded the guitar tracks for my new song... I got all the way through first take perfectly, until the freaking ending... then it all fell apart.. but thats the joy of a home studio... the meters not running... so it took, ah... more then a few takes to get it down... I wasnt watching the levels, and I had some clipping, but I dont care.. it was fun just to be doing something again...

Then we moved on to Wayne's new tune.... a few takes, one relay punch in, and that was it... No vocals, but that was enuff to shake the dust off, and get back in the swing of things..

Next week we add vocals.. then the backing tracks.. then maybe go back and re-do the guitar, if required...

its funny... I've had a Long day... raced home from work after 7... ate my supper with sling shot, ran the dog around the block and then, finally in the studio... I was dead tired when I got home, hurting, and all that jazz... But a few hours of Music, (and some tylenol 3's) and I'm re-charged..... But I'm not gonna push my luck.. No mixing or editing tonight.. I'm off to the couch and the ice pack for the back, then sleep..... afterall, tomorrow's another day..

Got some time to Kill?

Its far to late and I'm way to tired to embed all the links and post the story behind each one of them... so that will just have to wait...

but if you got some time on your hands... go to www.youtube.com

or more specificly...

I've edited a bunch of short, low-res videos on misc stuff...


Monday, January 22, 2007

Got time to Surf?

I'm not sure exactly who reads this regularly, but if you have an interest in "Independant" music.. then go to my "myspace" site, and fish around the 'Friends' section... (lower right hand side)

just click on the links to people you see there...

lots of good musicians with good music to listen to and/or buy...


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ever google your Buddies??

Check this out..


Saturday, January 20, 2007

OMG, This is too good not to Post

One of my best friends Charles Bachman (aka Chuck), also from PAB, now lives in Newbrunswick with his Wife Julie (Hi Julie)... and rarely Visits (dig dig) but he says he reads this all the time, so here's to Chuck...

and This is Chuck back when he actually had hair...

Don't be mad now Chuck... there's a lot worst I got I could have put up here!!!!


Trip down memory lane

I bought myself one of those thingys's to dub VHS off on DVD using the computer last year.. I've used it a few times, and its not hard.. but very time consuming.. one of those "retirement" projects maybe... But everynowandthen... I get it running and take a little trip down memory lane..

So During Sarah's nap I edited some video of a band I was in back in 89-91
As I finished it, I thought I didnt have enuff footage, so I just started scanning some pics to blend in with the video, and thought I'd post a few here...

We were just a cover band... using a sequencer at that.. but we were "tight" as they say... even had a midi controlled light show with fog machine... (pretty standard now, but cutting edge for late 80's)

We toured from CornerBrook up and down the Northern Penninsula, and down so far as Bonivista... Never made it off the rock, but we had a lot of fun...

anyway... that lead to a finding a few other pics and stuff I had stored away that brought back a lot of other memories.. and so it goes...

this (left) was an article in the PortAuxBasques Newspaper from back in the day...

Im not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, but the Studio Board in the that pic is an Akai MG1214...Cutting edge as far as home studios go for back in the day, but compared to whats out there now, not so much.... it was limited to 12 tracks, dbx noise filtering, and very limited editing/effect options...

My new one not only cost a heck of a lot less, it takes up a lot less space, and can blow the doors off that old machine in its sleep.... god bless technology..maybe....

its Sad actually... Guitars go up in value, electronics go down... not really fair when you think about it.. especially if your a keyboard player...

oh well..

Speaking of guitars, and if you wonder where my Music Addiction stems from.. you don't have to look too hard.

Check out the basement wall of the house I grew up in..
These are all my Dad's ..... he's got a few more, and if I ever win the loto, I'd like go buy em all, but I don't think he'd ever sell em, not even to me... Funny how that works.

but then again, I wouldn't sell any of mine either... I've only ever Sold one keyboard, and one guitar, and I've regretted both Deeply, I'd buy em both back if I could..so never again..

I guess its like they say... the apple don't fall to far from the tree...

My dad still plays, still enjoys it.. We probably talk about 4 times a week or more... and most often, its about music...

He's pretty cool still... Even for an old dude ha ha,

He reads this sometimes, but says I type to god-damn much for him to read (short attention span I guess), thought i'd throw that in to check to see if he catches this one....

anyway.. its late now.. Im tired, need to clean before Trena gets home.... so Guess I'll close we off with this PIC..

we had it done for a poster back when we were trying to get more gigs, tour a little further away from home...

Check out the Mullet on the dude to the left!!!!

ahh... the good ol' days

Friday, January 19, 2007

Nice way to end off the week

Da Boys from "Da Rock" dropped by tonight...

I've had a recording of them here for a while now, and the DVD I'd burnt them wasn't wroking out.. so we got to talk shop a little bit, caught up on whats been happinging, while I burn't a new copy...

if only we could win the loto or something..... then it would be Music 24/7...

oh well... got a have a dream eh!

if your fishing around the net, check out their site. and check back for downloadable mp3s of some of their music... (coming soon)

Great guys... and their music will pack the dance floor fer sure!

Anyway... Now its back to house cleaning and other stuff... Music again another day...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Best Laid Plans

Well.. this marks the 2nd week in a row that my plans to do some studio work have been pre-empted due to either work related stuff, or family committments...

tired now, need sleep

to quote Forest Gump, "and thats about all I have to say about that"

Catch ya later

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

How do you get rid of the smell of Baby Puke?

If you read this, and know us... you'll notice a blatent "lack" of info, pic's and/or stories about out daughter..

While I could talk and type for days about her, I generally choose not to, as Im somewhat of a paranoid new parent, and I wouldnt want to have some "predator" type stumble over info or pics of my child on this page, and well... better safe then sorry... if you've seen 20/20, 48 hours... and/or are a parent yourself, you'll understand... so, accordingly... the stuff I do tend to post about our daughter here, tends to be either dated, or overly generic in detail...

anyway... I was just noticing that I still smell like baby puke and was thinking of how amazing it is that life, work, everything grinds completely to a hault when your children are sick...

nothing else matters...

Not work, not sleep, you just want them to get better...

Oh well... can't put allthat on the back burner too long though..... Now I got some paper work to catch up on for "work".... I had set tonight aside to do some studio stuff... but it'll have to wait... As much as music is Way more fun, "work" supports the Music habit... so not much choice in the matter...

In other "music" news...

SUPERSTACK may come to halifax this summer... sometime around May.

these guys are friends of mine, I spoke of them in an earlier post(s)

In short... one of the best new, if not THE best new original bands i've heard in a LONG TIME..

I highly recommend you go to their site, listen to their Demo's.. Buy their CD and Bug the Sh_t out of your local bar owner to give these guys a gig...

And if they get here.. GO SEE THEM... in a few years when they are as big or bigger then Nickelback you'll be able to talk about how you saw them in a bar before they made it really big!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Another old news real

this one is a larger piece, of which the Ducats are one of many bands mentioned..

Golden Oldie!!! Circa 1995

This part is new to me, so dont complain about the video quality... lol

This is me "flogging" a line of CD holders back when I was self employed.

This is the 2nd part of the same day... computer software...

anyways.. this didnt work out for me... so i eventually had to get a job.... but was fun just the same...


this last one was a news piece of The Ducats, from the PortAuxbasques Come home year, in 1995

read more about the Ducats here... http://almostfamoustvconcept.blogspot.com/

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Anyone know how to fixe the time on this thing??

pit of a "blogger" pet peeve..

I think the time is set to whatever time is at the hosts location, not the poster???

i.e. current time is 11:32pm.. willing to bet it will say its significanly earlier down below here once I click "Publish"

if anyone knows how to fix that.. let me know..


The Final Stretch!!!!

one of the bigger reasons we haven't moved just yet, is Day Care...

We've been really lucky to have a trusted friend who loves our daughter like an Aunt who comes to our house each day.. She reads to her, plays with her.. takes her to play with other children, etc... so we've been pretty spoiled..

Anyway... nothing last forever... we've been on the fence a while now about moving, and our sitters passed up some other opportunities in the meantime, but we certainly couldn't expect her to pass on them forever... and that days coming up sometime near March... and While we were hoping to hang on a little longer, its very understandable, and probably the nudge we need to get us off our asses...

We've done so much, there's realy not a lot left to do...

I have to finish some 1/4-round moulding in one room, and paint the trim, re-paint the upstairs trim and doors.. Dry-wall one little doorway, re-paint some of the basement, and put some plug covers on un-used cable/phone jack (currently just a hole with a wire.. lol) So realy.. its about a week or two of good solid nigt and weekend effort and she's done..

We already got the Oil tank Replaced, painted/stained all the decks, pulled out the fish pond and replaced it with a rock patio, fenced the yard, the house will show well, and sel fast I'm sure..

It's not that its any bigger then the other houses on the street, but its among the bigger ones.. and the lot is among the bigger lots as well.. so that helps.. but the biggest selling feature, I think, is the layout... Very inviting, open, smooth, and comfortable.. and its the ONLY one like it in the entire subdivision.. theres not one house remotely close to similar... so that will help..

we love it actually, which is likely another reason why we've procrastinated.. and our neighbors are awesome.. But we need more space, especially if we have more children... so its time....

So if you know any one looking... ITS FOR SALE.. we have about 2 weeks to a Month max before the sign goes on the lawn, so act now and save the realor fees!!!

To See more about the house.. click these links..

Original Post 1
Original Post 2
New Oil tank

Spread the word!!

Hey jealousy!

I had the good fortune of being able to take in the Tour Tech Post xmas party tonight (thanks Scotty)

I bumped in to a lot of people I hadnt seen in a while who were also there, and got to see some Really great bands .
Wayne Nicholson, Streetheart, and Haywire to name a few... Give credit where credit is due.. they put on one hell of a party... But It wasnt as much fun as I hoped, but thats my fault.. not theirs...

Since that accident back in 05, my backs been a bit of a mess... Since then I've very little tolerance for being on my feet for any length of time... While my head wanted to stay, mingle, and enjoy.. my back kept saying "get the f__k home now"
I'd taken my back medicine with me, and took some before going in.. but had left it in the car... so a few hours in, after bing on my feet the whole time, i was getting pretty uncomfortable.. but it was far too cool to leave early.. So I suffered through it and bailed midway through haywire's set...

i think the other reason it wasnt as fun as it could have been for me is also my fault.. and I'll have to work on it... fact is.. Although I love LIVE music, seeing people play live, especially when its good and the crowd is into it... it makes me incredibly jealous... I just wish I was up there playing along....

And I thnk the third reason was that it made me realize how out of the loop I am with the Halifax Music Scene... But I'm working on it... lol..

But, that said... it was pretty F--king wicked... and I hope to be able to go again next year...

I was hoping to have some more pics, but they were somewhat strict on the "no camera" rule, so I just put it with my coat at the coat check...
I think Trena would have enjoyed this one too.. too bad its so late. I'd love to tell her all about it.. but oh well.. I should get some sleep too I guess

Thanks again Scotty for the ticket!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Rock N Roll Roots

We had a gig tonight at a little pub in Halifax, .....

Was not our best performance, but was ok and more importantly, was good to shake the dust off, and get back in to the swing of things...

anyway.. I get home, take the gear in the house.. and think.. hey.. maybe Mike and Michelle are having people in again... (not entirely uncommon for a Friday nite)

And they were... so I went over, and had a drink.. and I got to catch up with all those guys and also my new friend, and fellow Music-Addict, Steve MacDonald...

Anyway... (geesh, i sure say anyway a lot.. need to find a different segway lol) Steve and I were talking about our shared enthusiasm for "all things music" and it reminded me of how it all got started for me... really...

I think (but am not certain) that Bon Jovi once said that Music, for him, started between his legs, and ended up in his heart (it terms of the motivation to play)

I had quit piano lessons in Elementary school... It wasn't "Cool" and when your a kid, ya just want to be "Cool"

So in junior high... I cut class one time with some "cool kids" Duane Feltham, Steve Clothier, & Gerald Blackmore (I could write a novel on our combined experiences back then with those guys that would make Porky's and American Pie look G-Rated, but thats not the point right now)

Anyway.. Duane was in a "Band" and God Damnit... I wanted in!!! they didnt need guitar, but they coudl use a keyboard player... and so it began...

It was my First Band EVER... there were a coule of tryouts.. but once we got it going, it was Me, Duane Feltham on Drums, Troy Gillam On Guitar, Art Street on Bass, and Karen Penny was our singer... And for a bunch of Junior high kids... we were too bad at all...

Duane and I remained good friends right through highschool, and after graduation.. we kind of lost touch... Duane moved witht the Military, and me to Cornerbrook, and then Halifax...

there was an email and phone call here and there.. and I was able to get to his wedding (Duane married his high school sweetheart, Donna, whom I've known since Kindergarten) but even though we never really kept in close touch, whats coolest, is when we do connect, the years melt away...

We've all grown, and changed since then.. but I still love the guy like a brother.. and that will never change.. its kind of cool actually...

Anyway (theres that word again) I was very excited to have a little reunion, after, my god, 8+years... just Xmas Holiday.. We had breakfast, caught up, reminised... (no I didnt spell-check) talked about the old days, and new days with Kids, Family and all that jazz, and it was awesome...

And It got me thinking... If not for Duane.... Would I have ever have become so "into" music at all?? With it being so much of my dads life, odds are I couldnt have avoided it for long... but who knows for certain... My brother has more talent then I do, but just lacked the interest to keep at it.. and my sister can carry a note to the store, but musicly, the only thing she can play is the stereo... lol (no disrespect intend)

So I think it was very much Duane and that junior high band that started it all.... and thank god for that... I mean, it did sincerely start as something for fun, and a really cool way to met girls.. but it certainly has evolved to one of the 2 greatest joys in my life..(the 1st being my Family). So while there have been many other contributors, positive influcences, mentors and and Motivators since.... I think I owe Duane a long over-due "thank you"

I'd share some storys about those days.. but it will have to wait... I want to... and my minds racing now after a nite of good music, and great conversations, but Im far too tired, its almost 4am, and my fingers hurt from playing bass all nite, and this typing is not to comfy as a result....

so I'll have to tell those other stories another day... or at least the censored versions perhaps... (My mom reads this sometimes lol)


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Craving small town Life.. Had enuff of the city..

Life just moves too fast... Always in a hurry, but it seems ya get nothign done??? Is it just me? Is it the city? or is it our new I-Pod/Blackberry Lifestyle???

I have more friends from Home that live in Halifax then live home, plus I have NEW friends, and I hardly ever get to see them...

one of my best friends in the whole world has had a baby... he's a almost a month old now.. and I've not been to visit... partially due to work stuff, but also due to us seeming to taking turns with a Cold/Flu lately.... but its always something... i

Maybe its the changing times, But I remember life back home being a much slower, relaxed, and enjoyable pace... I saw my friends more often.. and I remember us having more quality time.. Not that we did anything elaborate, but we had fun

they'd drop in the store.. I'd see them at other places.. after supper, you might visit or be visited... and you could walk it all or drive it in 5 min or less. (ok maybe 10)

seems nowadays.. theres not drop ins, no visits.. everying has to be freaking scheduled, or called in advance.. trafic, line ups, arrrggg!!!!

I was talking to an old friend a while back.. about how lucky we were to have the childhood we had, back in Portauxbasques when we did... and we were... I wouldn't trade it for the world...

but as much as I miss those days.. their gone now... the town is not the same... nor is any town for that matter.. but PAB is different now... and you have to be from there to truly understand what I mean... and its a shame really...

its still a good town, with good people.. but it has been hurt with the colapse of the fishing industry combined with other economic changes... I just thank god there are still some forward thinking people there who have never given up.. and are still trying to breathe new life into it... they keep it alive.. give us all hope...

Would I move back? maybe.... yeah... maybe...
but theres other cool towns too that I could be just as happy in..

anyway.. I'm rambling.. , sorry..

everyone has a lofty dream, or two abuot what they'd do if they won the loto, and all that jazz..... One of my "Pipe Dreams" has been to own 40 or more acres of land...preferably a good hike ABOVE sealevel...A little house in the middle of the front 10... a garage like I described in an earlier post... and again just recently, and not that I want to be a farmer... but land that would be "suitable" to become a farm if you ever needed to.. even if just a hobby farm... Somewhere like Kentville, Windsor, Middleton, Bridgewater.. Anyway... it likely wont happen, but thats wy its called a pipe dream...

But I been thinking of that a bit lately . especialy with this freakishly warm weather we've had, and talk of global warming.... make no mistake, under this calm exterior lies a deep rooted fear of an eventual apocalypse... ha ha ha Maybe I watched Too many Mad Max movies and the like, but its happening bit by bit, all around us.. So with that in the back of my mind, I've sometimes wondered, what would happen....with all this e-commerce, for example,, if we ever get nuked, and the electric grids get destroyed, with no paper money, and no means of trade, there goes your purchasing power and your economy.. and its back to the barter system... So if you can grow your own food, make your own electricity, water, via solar, wind, water power, whatever, if you couldnt make it all, you could barter the rest and be ahead of the game... It may not be in my lifetime, or my daughters, but someday... it could come to that.. and if it doesnt, what could it hurt to be prepared..

Didn't Nostrodamus predict that world war 4 would be fought with sticks and stones? I dunno.. maybe I just need a good stiff drink tonight.. lol

Trena's away till tomorrow nite... Sarahs asleep.. Dishes are done, house is "semi" clean.. and Id love to do some studio stuff, but I think Im just gonna go veg with the tv..... I think I'm just worn out!! need a vacation...

anyway.. gotta run... maybe I'll find a cheers re-run or something Nostalgic!!!

Peace out!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Daddy's helper

ok.. one last post..

Sarah Loves "Helping" .. dont matter if I'm washing the dog, tieing my shoe, putting a toy together... or in this case, replacing the vegetable Sprayer Thingy in the kitchen sink...

anyway... She's fast asleep now. So I think I'll go spend some quality time spoiling my other little girl before I pass out.. ..

Fond farewell

Ok, thats a little dramatic a title...

truth is, I think I've hit an all time low insofar as it relates to "Blog Content" (if there is such a thing......

yep... this entry is to say goodbye to a T-Shirt.... two T-shirts actually..

I wear a suit to work, because I have to.. But deep down.. Im a t-shirt guy.. always have been.. always will be. Especially Concert shirts.. and stuff like that...

But.. sometimes... you got to purge the old inventory.. and I think I'm well past that in this case..

Meet "dave"

I've had this shirt since 93 I think.. How the frosh committe never got sued by "world wide pants Inc." I'll never know, but this has been one of my two fav "bumming around the house" shirts for 14 years... and its time to let go...

its Ugly, faded, and now it has Holes.... and is falling apart at the seems..

in contrast, however, this July 1987 Vintage Pink Floyd tour shirt (from the Momentary lapse of reason tour) has fared significanly better..

Common sense would say ditch this one too while I'm at it... but I can't... Its got a few good years left yet... Plus it was only one of the Best concerts ever...
Sure, it was Post Roger Waters... but they were still on top of their game.. and I was there.. In Nice France, July 17th, 1987 (dates on shirt are wrong) Colin Fralick from halifax was there with me.. and it was an Awesome experience..
the story about how we got home, and then ended up stranded in Monaco at 4am is a whole nother story... but at least thats a story worth reading.. (unlike this one... lol)

but that will have to wait another day...

daddy's tired, and needs sleep...

Trena's away.. and I'm Mr. Mom again... And to my credit.. Bed time was a peice of cake.. its the morning Im not so sure about.. so I'm off to sleep a a decent hour... (currently 10:20) so catch ya next time..



Monday, January 08, 2007

Awestruck In Newglasgow!

Trena's work had to send her to "an event" last nite... and I volunteered to go with her...

Poor Us? taking one for the team? Working hard on a Sunday nite? ---- hardly.... what a treat this was..

I would have jumped over barrels to go to this event.. Its been sold-out for a while..
And Trena got us in, with Back Stage Passes to-boot!

Now Im a fan of Newglasgow anyway... its an awesome little town, and I used to work for a firm that was based there, and have nothing but good memories of both..

And this event, just further solidified my opinion that NewGlasgow is one of Nova Scotia's Coolest Places!!

Anyway.. this event, was a benefit for the IWK. and it was totally freakin Awesome..

Now, I was excited just to See Matt Andersen, Charle A'Court, and Ron Hynes... these folks I knew of and I consider myself to be " a fan "

But the other artists on the list, i hadn't heard too much of.. but that's not to say they are'nt doing great... you see I have to admit that As much as I love music.. I really don't have my finger on the pulse, as they say.. and theres a lot I don't know...

Well, actually, you can write books.. opps, no... Albums.. with what I don't know.. I just haven't had the time to get out there, listen to new music, meet people, etc... I've been stuck in my own little bubble, as they say... but I'm getting out there, slowly but surely..

that being said, Im embarassed that I hadn't heard of all these other names before... I wasn't simply impressed with EVERY single one of the acts... I was Blown Away.. and thats not something I'd say if I didnt mean it..

At about the 2nd verse of the 1st song, I leaned over to Trena and whispered "Thank you, this is Awesome" and that about sums it up....

each artist performed at least 2, sometimes 4 songs... Mostly original material, and I hope to buy a CD from each of them before the years out (would have been right-away, but Im on a bit of a budget constraint since the new bass!!!) I can honestly say that I enjoyed every single one of them...

Back stage was also very cool.. Musicians, photographers, tech's, and some fans... and lots of good food.. But the best was the Jamming... it was every bit as good as the real show

And I just sat there, like a fly on the wall and enjoyed it..


thats a lie...

what can I say.. I love music, and Im a fan!!!!!

I bought a CD of Mat, and Charlie and had them autograph it...

I would have bought every CD there but not for the Budget.. but in time I'm sure I'll get them all...

for now.. Im still high from hearing them preform Live..

The Whole nite was also being recorded, and your ticket gets you a copy of the cd..

And for those of you who weren't there.. I highly recommend you buy one when its released in late February..

Here are some pic's..

Matt Andersen

This Girl was Incredible.. A voice and originality that would rival Bjork!

I took a TON of pics.. I wish I had space and time to post them all. but here are some more of the highlights...

Stephen Bowers, backed up by Kevin Corbet and Jason Mingo

Check out the links (embedded in the names) to check out their music!!!



Me And Charlie!!!

I first met Charlie just before he made it Big, but just after everyone knew he was on his way...

I was playing with Mike Cowie at the Seahorse Tavern and he got up and Jammed a tune with us...

I've bumped into him a few times since then.. the last time was at MusicStop just before he was headed off to Germany to tour with Procol Harum

anyway.. While Charlie's, by all accounts, "Made it" in the music business, and surely on to even bigger things, he always finds time to chat, and is still just as down to earth and approachable as that first day I met him some 4 years ago..

Cheers Charlie!! I wish you nothing but success man!!!

Anyway... Back to the event,

Even Trena Got up on Stage to sing a tune...

Ok, Im kidding.. she was there to say thanks on behalf of the IWK... ha ha..
But she enjoyed it just as much as I did..

Another highlight was getting to meet Ron Hynes again..

I'd first met him back in the 80's in Stephenville.

I spoke to him about my 'Rockumentary' project, and if he'd be willing to be interviewed about his experiences recording with WGB back at Clode Sound in the 70's and to talk about what he knew of the Ducat's from back in the day... And I'm pleased to report he said YES!!!

By ALL accounts, Ron is an internationaly successful Musician and Songwriter. Being able to have any input from him on this project whatsoever, will not only be a tremendous resource, but will lend the project a considerable amount of Credibility!

I hope to fly to Newfoundland to get an interview on film sometime between now and April!! Will keep you posted on any progress!!

Cheers for now..

For more info on the rockumentary project go to http://almostfamoustvconcept.blogspot.com/

I've got a new working title..

The Story of Good Old Rock and Roll (it comes with a Theme Song)
and I own the domain name www.thestoryofgoodoldrockandroll.com
along with www.bongwatermusic.com, www.bongwatermusicproductions.com, www.almostfamous.ca, www.robertcrewe.com

there's nothing there yet... but hopefully will get it up and running soon..
if you know how to build websites and can work for free.... Let me know!!!! you can design my site!!!!