Well, who'd of thought that a work trip to Collingwood Ontario would be
COOL.My last trip to Ontario, I sat next to Jimmy Rankin on the way back... which was a treat... I consider myself a fan, but didnt recognize him in person...
Anyway... on the way through security this trip, who should be imediatly in line behind me, Jimmy rankin again...
"Not stalking me are you Jimmy!" I said...
"he didnt remember my name, but knew me as the "banker/songwriter" which was cool enough I guess...

anyway... The work part of the trip was pretty cool.... We stayed at the Blue Mountain resort... and While others said it was a lot like many other resorts they'd been at... myself, not being much of anywhere, I thought it was very nice...
And even more impressivethen the resort, was the fun everyone had... While the liqour flowed at night.... Everyone was on time and alert the next morning for work...
Work-Hard/Play-Hard being the theme I think..

The second night we were there, there was this KICK-ASS southern rock style band called SUPERSTACK (
Not only are they a kick ass band, what was most impressive is that they played 90% original music and was able to entertain a crowd of bankers and other tourist who'd never heard their stuff before... and

everyone was LOVIN it!!!
I got to talking to them during the break, and they even let me get up and jam a tune with them on the bass... to bad they didn't have a keyboard up there.. I'd have stayed all night...
regardless... it was a lot of fun... Im not sure if they get free booze or not, but I stuck around afterward and they bought me soo many shooters, I have no idea how I was able to walk on my own back to my room.. I left not long after, hoping to get to bed before the alcohol really took affect... Smart move....
they even know some fellow Nova Scotians (Trews) so maybe they'll get out this way

someday.... I would not be surprised at all if these guys made the Big time... and if Im lucky... maybe they'll need a keyboard player... I'd likely have to let my hair grow though....
But as if that wasn't enough music for one trip.. On the plane on the way down I met Bob Mills, a mechanical engineer from Nova Scotia, working in Toronto..
Now, by all accounts, being a mechanical engineer is a pretty good gig.... But this guy has a band, has some original music and dreams of a career in music...... hmmmmm sounds familier... maybe we should start a support group or something... HA!!!!!
Anyway... I've just finished a tune (music only) that sounds a lot like their style.. so once I get it finished, Im gonna send them a copy and see what happens... they were able to get
Bob Ezrin, who was a Producer, for the Orchestral Arrangements on
PINK FLOYD, THE WALL to listen to some of there demo, and he LIKED it, and wants to hear more....... exciting stuff....... All this conincidence...... has me excited...
I'm hopping to have lunch a guy I know in the Biz, when we go to Montreal.... I dont know him extremely well, and he certainly doesnt owe me any favors or anything like that, but I have known him casually since about 92.... and he's a decent guy.... So, can't hurt I guess.... I just hope I don't impose too much... Its like they say.. theres a thin line between persistance and annoyance... So I have to be mindfull of that... but it is difficult, especially when ya get excited about an idea or something you believe in...
I gave him an MP3 cd when he was down in Halifax for the Juno's which had my originals, waynes and some other stuff along with my "Almost Famous" idea...
http://robsbongwater.blogspot.com/2006/05/almost-famous.htmlHe said he'd pass it on to a buddy he had at VH1, so ya never know I guess... nothing ventured, nothing gained.... At the very least, I was honored he'd do that much...
Trena and I are going to see
Bon Jovi while we're there (
NickleBack is opening for him) and a large
Elvis mega production...
http://www.elvisstory.com/ so it should be a fun trip all the way around..
Aside from that.. were now part way through week one of a 2 week vacation... and I've already worked 2 days!!!! oh well... its not Rock and Roll, but its still a really good job!!!!!
Cheers for now...