Friday, September 29, 2006

Reality Bites

too much paper work, house work.. work work..

looking more like were gonna have to wait till spring before selling the house.. give us time to get stuff done, and not be al stressed out..

oh well.. C'est la vie...

Sure do Miss Trena when she's gone

Its just been Me and Sarah now for Two, going on 3 days...

While its awesome for quality one on one time with Sarah, I sure do miss her..

Im right proud though... she's not been the best eater lately (Sarah that is) and last two nites supper went off with out a hitch... someone say Mr. Mom???

anyways... its late (20 after 1) and I Can't sleep...

Oh well.. maybe I'll clean... Nope.. not tonight...
Something new to post this weekend I hope...

No time for nothing lately it seems.. not even tv...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Good Practice

All set now for the gigs...

This friday: 8:30 to 10 ish, Pogue Fado
Saturday, 10:30-12ish.. Big leagues..

Next week... North End Pub friday, Copper Penney Saturday.... Don't know start times yet...

Monday, September 25, 2006

Why can't real life have a Pause Button..

haven't seen that Adam Sandler flick yet... no time really.. but I like the Concept..

man.. Between dishes, dogs, and Babies... laundry, and Work related Stuff ya end up bringing home with ya, and the Honey-do list... where does the time go..

11:19pm, and I'm just now getting free'd up to do some music, and too sleepy to even try...

Will have to try to Cram some stuff in tomorrow before practice, and bone up Wed/and thur while Trena's away (but after Sarah's Asleep of course) Saving Grace is the folks I'm sitting in With Know these tunes inside and out, so If I play a little on the backbeat, I can wait for the changes and fake it... Whew!

Anyways,, off to sleep... opps, not yet... forgot to put out the compost...

Working Late... Waiting on a Customer

Well, I don't often take 6pm meetings.. but sometimes ya gotta...
Just sitting here, wishing I was home with Trena and Sarah, waiting for the dude to show...

Oh well, he's actually a cool guy to hang with, so its not the end of the World...A And the While I NEVER discuss Work on my Blog, its actually a pretty decent Gig.. So I guess I can't complain too much...

But my short term reality is that Year end is approaching Oct 31... So there will be Many Many More evening appointments between now and then... After that.. its life Back to Normal... well.. Relatively speaking..

Slowly Climbing Digital Audio Learning Curve

Well, I was bummed out when my Presonus couldn't talk to my Korg using ADAT.. Turns out the Korg Receives only SPDIF, but uses Optical Connections. My Presonus has SPDIF out, but it uses COAX connections. (ADAT is 8 channel, SDIF is 2) But best part is that all's I need is a COAX to SPDIF converter (about 25 bucks-ish online)

Translation.. The Presonus is NO longer for Sale, I've delisted it on Ebay (no Bids anyway) and eventually, for about 25 bucks plus postage.. I can use the Presonus to make my Korg capable of recording 14 Tracks (up from stock 12) of Simultaneous Audio (plus Midi) at a time..

What I'm equally excited about is that I actually understand what I just said... Couldn't have said that a week ago.. Yee ha!... And the even better Part.. The Presonus Comes Stock with 2 Tube Pre-Amps... So thats another 3 or 4 hundred bucks I Wont have to Shell Out!!!!

Life is good!!! (ok, I know... I'm a geek)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Stones in Halifax....

Well, it was wet, soggy and umcomfortable.. and I don't know what hurts more.. my back, or my feat... At least I can say.. I was there..

Trena and I missed Sloan, but caught Alice, the rapper, and the Stones in the 50,000 plus crowd yesterday..

What impressed me the most, in addition to the crowd sticking it out with the weather.. was the BANDS.. not just the Stones, but all of them..

I mean it was MISERABLE weather.. I can only imagine how hard it would have been to play in that, as I never have.. Any outdoor event I've even been involved in would have been cancelled... Mind you, with those events, you were looking at less then 5% of the crowd you had yesterday, but man... My fingers were too soggy to open my back pack, How'd they Play Guitar??

but they did.. they "Sucked it up" as they say and made the best of it... and the Crowd loved it..

My thoughts? Well, Mick is Timeless, still as Energetic as the videos I've seen over the years... (I've never seen them live before) and Charlie Watts is Like a clock.. But Keith, man, what can you say about Keith that Hasn't been said already...

But God bless them for playing.. I mean, it was NASTY NASTY WET and Wicked rain.. That kind of sideways rain that gets up in under...

So what are my thoughts of the concert?
Well... here's the Honest truth... I'm glad I went, But.
I've seen Pink Flood in 87
Eagles in 05
U2 and Bon Jovi in 06 and I would have to conceed that all of those shows, in my "unqualified" opinion, were better...

Bon Jovi's outdoor show had every bit a bigger and more entertaining Stage Show, plus the over sound quality and Mix was better, Pink Floyd and Even the Austrialian Pink Floyd Show had more "Inflatable" thingys..... Nickleback had more Pyro technics...

So one thing the Stones did that topped them all was the Fireworks..And ok, that Moving Stage thing... that was REALLY cool... but by all accounts.. I'd have to rank this as probably number 5 or 7 as my all time best concerts I've seen...

But I'll say it again, Bravo for toughing out the rain and giving it 110%.. They may make a ton of money off these gigs, but no one can ever say they didn't work for it...

anyways... Im still glad I went.. I mean, after all.. It was the Stones... Not like I'm likely to see them again...

I'm hoping the damage to the commons is repairable and the City decides to do this again...

What kind of Acts would I like to see in Halifax???? In my dreams Halifax would host a Pink Floyd Reunion, but I wont hoild my breath for that one... Maybe the Eagles, U2, as a two-for, maybe Aerosmith and AC-DC would be an awesome combo... Tom Petty would also be a good one.. Elton John, Clapton, those would be my top pics...

Anyways... Back to the real world.. Have a house to clean, dog to walk, work to do


Friday, September 22, 2006

For Sale: PC Based Digital Studio Interface!

Well, I'm so happy with my new Korg Studio, that I'm gonna sell my old interface.

Its a Presonus Firestation

It works great, I just don't need it..
Click the name if you want more details.

I've got it for sale on ebay for 120US.

Let me know if your interested..

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Got Tickets to see ELTON JOHN! & the best news is that we have "Floor Seats!"

Were Gonna See Elton John! Just got the tickets online...

Floor Seats!

Good Friends and Neighbors Mike and Michelle are going with us!

Would have had 4 seats all together, but Was afraid it'd sell out before they got back to us.. Apparantly the UK show sold out in 5 min..

This is where I think were sitting

We got a lead on a cheap, but tollerable Hotel, and gonna share the gas expenses.. Should be a trip to Remember!!! Yeee Haw!!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Almost Famous update...

Got some feed back from an old friend in the industry... about my Idea for a Rockumentary

Was mostly positive, with some advice.. Essentially she said I have too many ideas going on at once, I should narrow it down before pitching it..

Anyway.. Long story short.. I respect her opinion, and agree... so Im gonna re-work it, and hope to have something read to pitch my mid Oct.. and she may even be able to help me pitch it..

BUT.. I may have to come up with a new name, as I might not be alowed to use "Almost Famous" anyone have a suggestion, please let me know...

Speaking of Xmas.....

My family reads this sometimes... so just in case you find me "Difficult" to shop for, here are some ideas... (just a few, I'll post more later.... Can't do all the homework for ya.. ha ha)

Gator: G-Tour-76 Hardshell travel Case for Keyboard

Tascam CD=BT1mkII


hmmmm maybe I'm shooting to high, oh well.. one can dream..

First Real Recordings: Not too Shabby!!!

We'll I did a rough cut of a new original of my own last Friday.. tonight we recorded one pass through of one Wayne's been working on..

All Went well.. I think this will not only be a good tool for recording, but an aid for Writing Also...

Addictive.. its difficult to stay away from it now... All I need now is a decent Condensor Mic and a Wind Screen!!!

Good Xmas idea for any undecideds!!! HA!

Monday, September 18, 2006

it just keeps Getting Better....

No Buyers Remorse here... man, I gotta say.. I truly think this unit is the best bang for the buck, hands down...

Korg D3200

Up until about a week before I got the Korg, I was pretty much Certain that I was going for the Tascam FW-1884 (click the name if you want a link to more info about it) Now Im sure its still a tried and tested unit... I'm sure its a good machine, But I can't imagine being any happier then I am with the Korg And While I can upload to PC if I need to, but the best part is that I may not ever really need to...

Its far more powerful then I thought it would be.. 12 tracks of simultaneous audio recording out of the box, (14 for me with my presonus hooked up to it) PLUS midiAnd 32 total Mix Down tracks, plus Virtual tracks which gives you over 100 tracks to play with, you just pick and/or boucne down to 32 for the final mix, and an internal Drum Kit with loads to cool preset paterns and loops...

it doesn't have motorized faders, but you can record scenes, and Automation (including Pans, and eq changes) and you can select how the board reacts when you ride the fardes (i.e Jump vs. Match) and more... if you ever need to free up harddrive space, but arnt finished with a particular project You can make a full Back up of a project on CD that includes your EQ settings, Automation, and effects... OR you can Upload to Cakewalk, Cubase, Protools, whatever... I'm just in Awe!!! the more I play with this thing the more I LOVE IT>>

I researched this to death, Bugged all the salespoeple with my questions, comparing all the models..

Theres some good stuff out there... Don't get me wrong... Yamaha's AW2400 is pretty Kick Arse too As are the More expensive versions of the Korg...But thats the key... they are significantly more expensive.. The tascam 2488 is cool, as are the Rolands that can connect to the PC Monitors...But most of those can only record 8 tracks as is, you need to invest in Expansion Cards to get it up any higher... And while some of that more expensive gear does have certain features this machine doesn't, most of what I'm missing is really just Bells and Whistles.. I'd have to go on record as saying that excluding something new that may come out next year, this Unit is hands down, the best bang for the buck...

I still may get a Computer interface later.. but I've since learned there are some pretty Cool and inexpensive options out there... Like these guys..


If I'm ever lucky enough to get a Full PA, this unit here costs about the same as Most PA Mixers, but can double as PC Firewire interface.....

Toooo Cool!!!!

But in the bigger scheme of things... Not something I need at all at the moment, and by the time I'm ready for this... Either this stuff will get even cheaper, and/or there'll be something newer/better for same price...

Gotta love inovation!!!

Golf Day

Well, I didn't get home till after 9pm... But what can I say... it was a good day at the "Office"

I actually think I should recant my comment from yesterday about not enjoying Golf....

While I'm not a good Golfer, and while its true that its not a game I'd often choose to play much if not for these work events, I have to admit that I actually had a lot of fun today! But I think the People you Play with make all the Difference in the world.. ...

These folks were great to hang out with for the afternoon, and equally important for me, they were also very tolerant of my Golf Skills, (or should I say, "Lack thereof" ) :)

So if you can spend a day catching up with old friends and make some new ones, I'd say thats time well spent!!

It also didn't hurt that the weather was also great, we had specatular views of the Harbour.. and the meal was Freaking AWESOME..

Like I said... it was a good day at the office!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cool Jam with Full Circle

its cool how time flies when your having fun...

I had my first jam with "Full Circle" today.. Not on keys, but on the Bass guitar..
I've always wanted to play bass, but given that keyboardist are a little harder to find, I was always on the keys.. I've sat in for a tune or to on the bass here an there with various bands, and a bunch of house parties, .. but never been in a group as "the bass player" And I gotta say.. its a lot of fun..

Learning some new tunes, even relearning stuff I formally played keys on, but now playing the bass, on many tunes you hear a completely different side of the same song..

take "No Sugar tonight" for example... how the drummer comes back after the bridge, plays the same tempo, but with a different feel, and the bass changes to match it... anyway.. I'm rambling, but thats what music does to me...

its like a shot of adrenaline and a Melow Buzz all at once...

Anyways.. the Day job and parenthood keeps me too busy to "tour", and I still hope to get the "StillBite" project up and running some time this year... so its not gonna be a Full time gig, but these folks are great musicians, and fun to hang with, so I could definatly see it being a permanent part time gig for me(assuming they keep me around, that is)

As I listened to them recall days past, when the band was bigger, and touring... Man, they've been "In the thick of it" as they say.... I think they'd be an Excellent group to profile in the "Almost Famous" project... I haven't asked them yet, actually can't believe I never thought of it sooner... But I have a hunch they'd love to help!

Anyways, it 10:30... Dishes are done, Floors cleaned, laundry's folded, Sarah's alseep... Gears unloaded and put back where it goes... And as I unpacked the bass and hung it up again I would have LOVED to pluged it in and jammed some more... (As if the 5 hours today was just a primer) but its late, I Have to golf tomorrow..

ok, ok.. I'm not looking for sympathy... but truth is... I really dont like Golf..
I play when I have to (Work golf) but when it comes right down to it.. I just don't enjoy the game... I'd sooner paddle a kayak, or read a book... or, of course, play some music.. But oh well.. could be worst things to be doing on a Monday...

Productive day at the Crewe House..

Well, I didnt get to sleep in... Not really at least..

I think I got woke up around 8ish... But around here, that is sleeping in... But that extra hour was sweeeeet!

But We got a TONN of stuff done today, from installing ceilings, wiring lights, patching drywall holes, staining decks, and yup... even some de-cluttering.. Its not looking like we'll be ready to list any time soon, but at least were getting this stuff done finally

Richard and Bev came up to help, Theresa too... and all the help made the work go a lot faster...

anyways.. I been at it all nite now, and just got the basement back to a livable state (ya make a real mess doing this stuff) and I was gonna jam some, but think I'll go clean the kitchen instead....

fun fun..

oh well, band practice tomorrow..

Saturday, September 16, 2006

John Maher Rocks!

Well, its no secret that I'm considerably "Out of the Loop" when it comes to the new music scene....

in the 80's and early 90's, I bought everything and anything. I listened to everyone from Randy Travis, to Randy Rhodes (Ozzy Ozbourne's Randy Rhodes tribute Album) and just about everything else I could get my hands on..

.. then about 1992 I just stopped buying Albums.. Partially because I was just too broke and couldn't afford the albums I had, let alone anything new, (and Napster hadn't been invented yet).. So i just fell in to my existing collection, and anything new typicaly had to come by introduction...

Paul Osmond
and his buddy Sherman Hynes re-introduced me to Neil Young, (CSNY) and James Taylor, Barry Musseau got me into Mark Knopfler (his guitar album with Chet Atkins) and every now and then I'd get the "Man you gotta hear this"

Maybe your mind closes up when you get older, or maybe, theres a lack of good new music... But occasionally something will make me go "Holy Crap, thats Awesome"

Recent "Ureka" sounds include (but not limited to): Big Wreck, Big Sugar, AudioSlave, and John Mayer...

I'd heard his singles, scene him briefly on Claptons Crossroads festival DVD, but just caught his "Austin City Limits" act.. and the man can F__king wail on that Strat... And Very respectful of his mentors/idols... SRV, and Buddy Guy inclusive...

Anyway.. Not that I'm even remotely qualified to be a critic, but I just had to send out Props... (did i just say props? is that word even still used? good Christ, Im getting old) But Bottom line, the man can realy play that guitar...

Since high School, I've said that if I was to ever really give it a go in Music, in order to truly say that "I made it" i'd need to achieve 3 things..

1. A Juno
2. Your birthday announced on Entertainment Tonight
3. to be invited to Jam on Austin City Limits

Anyways... Seeing Mayer on ACL, reminded me of that...

oh well... at least i can live Vicariously!!! HA ..

Nite all..

Another Gold for the "Smart" kids...

First it was Nolan's team taking gold... Now his Sister (my Neice)joins the Gold medal podium! Here's Mariah with her new "Bling"

Congrat's Mariah!!

Man, this is FUN!!!

Ok, its 4:20 am, and I'm gonna feel like crap tomorrow... but this is just tooo much fun...

I stumbled through it, and likely will have to rely on the book for a while before I get it al down pat.. but i was able to transfer the individual track files from the Korg, to the Computer, and upload them into CUBASE!!!

If that sounds Simple, maybe it should be, and for some, likely is..

but for me... it was a lot of freaking work, but if I could actually get PAID to do this, SIGN ME UP!!!!

In other news...

I spilled my Rum...

But not to worry.. I was too paranoid to rest it anywheres but the floor.... just in case...

So no harm done...

off to sleep now... Sarah wakes up around 7ish.. Wonder what my chances are of Trena letting me sleep in? Considering her mom and step-dad are comeing up to help out with the work were doing to the house, not likely....

Oh well... never hurts to live a little now and then.. lol..

Anyone Know how to register with SOCAN?

Recorded First Song on new Board!!


I think the "Quicktour" guide I downloaded for the Studio Board must have been written by a Musician...

why? well... First, it gives you a quick stroll around the main features.. but when it helps you get into actually recording something, it gives you a list of what other "Stuff" you'll need.. Allow me to quote, verbatum...

"you will need a guitar or microphone and a blank CD-R for this section. Oh, and maybe have a refreshing beverage of your choice ready. :)"

Yes, it even had a happy face.... And later on, it tells you to kick back, listen, and enjoy your "beverage" And wouldn't ya know it.. I was on my 4th Double Appleton Reserve by then, just poured a fresh one.... man.... Life is Sweet!!!!

Anyway... I did a 2 track demo of a song I am writting (called "I'm over it")

and that went ok...

Now I'm trying to dump the 32 track DEMO song it came loaded with to my PC to see how it looks on CUBASE... I'll let ya know how that works out.. !!

Cheers for now..

Friday, September 15, 2006


Just wanted to Congratulate Scott Cheverie on Landing his new Job.

He is Gonna be Comminications Coordinator / Graphic Designer for the upcoming ECMA's

Is it too early to Bumm for free tickets or backstage passes? No, ok how bout maybee a T-Shirt? HA!!!

Congrats Scott..

Incidently, Scott Also designed this for my upcoming Website...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

UpComing Gigs...

Hey Y'all!

My Buddy Scott Cheverie has asked me to sit on with the Bass guitar for a few (5) Gigs... its a version of his band "Full Circle" without a drumer...

Semi Acoustic... should be fun!!!

For anyone who can make it.. here they are..
(Note, for some of there we are "opening" for other bands.. so check with me.. as we may start and/or finished relatively early.)

Sept 29, Pogue Fado
Sept 30th Big Leagues

Oct 6th, North End Pub
Oct 7th, Copper Penney..

and the 15th? Seahorse.. I think.. (not to sure yet about that one)

Nephew Nolan Wins Gold!!!

Not only best in City, they Won provincials Also!!!!!

Congrats Nolan!!

Radnom Brain Fart..

Nothing interesting to talk about, so here's this dribble...

"Believe it or not you can read this. Try reading it fast.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! "

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

De-Cluttering is HARD WORK

Man. Were serious about selling the house, but its gonna take some time to get this stuff ready... Were trying to rush it.. but its taking a lot longer then we thought...

Anyone good at painting who would like to volunteer would be GREATLY appreciated...
Or alternatively, someone to play with Sarah while Trena and I Paint during a weekend or evening...

Making Progress with Studio, But still could use some help

Been Playing around with the new gear, and Im making progress, but I still need some help..

I am able to play around In Cubase, use the padKONTROL to play drums,But there's something I've not set up correctly, as I have some real latency issues along with a few other glitches.. I'm reasonably certain its something simple that veteran CUBASE user could "Click, Click, ClickL" and fix, but its a little beyond my skills at this time...

Also, I can use the MOTIF pretty Well, but theres More I know I can do with it that I've not yet tapped into.. With Sampling, Sequencing, and the drum sounds there.. It'd be great to be able to connect the padKontrol and the Motif to the PC and be able to control the PC drums and/or Motif Drums from the padKONTROL.. and build a sequence from there... But thats were I start to get boggled...

Here's what I know so far on what I "will" be able to do (with some help)in so far as recording a LIVE act, is concerned...

The more tricky part, and where I need some "expertise" to teach me a little, is in this part... Starting a Song on the PC and/or MOTIF.. and then branching out.... so to speak....

Anyway.. I'm sure I can figure it out in time.. But if you know ANYONE, who's more schooled in this stuff.. PLease let me know.. Would be a Great Help!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Holy Freaking Learning Curve Batman!!!!

Ok... I'll admit.. I'm a LOT out of the Loop... But I have a valid excuse..

If your one of the odd few that read this dribble semi- regularly, you'll know that I finally got my Home Studio gear...

Well, I've had it since last Saturday, actually, and truth be told, I just got it out of the Box last night, and really only sat down to play with it for the 1st time tonight.. (After painting the Deck, and all the other stuff one has to do with Kids, House, dogs, etc.... )

It brought be right back to 1989-91 when I was fortunate enough to be doing the music thing full time, and too naive to realize how lucky I was... Back then I could take a full day, or three to read a manual, walk through the tutorials and learn as that was my JOB.. but now I'm relegated to approximately 8:45ish at night (aka when Sarah goes to bed)... before I can start anything, and then I can only go as late as I can manage to stay awake, bearing in mind that she wakes up about 7:30 am regardless of how late I stay up...

Anyway.. I'm both excited and overwhelmed all at once...

My first "studio" was a fostek 4 track (used a standard cassette)... Pretty simple to use.. albeit crappy quality..

From there we 'upgraded' to an Akai MG1214 Still used a tape... but a BETA tape, 12 tracks, with DBX Noise Filtering... Anyways... that stuff was pretty Simple to use.. I could even sync the damn thing with my Korg T1 for sequences, etc... but the tapes deteriorated over time, so you had to limit how often you re-dubed stuff or Punched in and out, etc...

This new Digital technology though? Its pretty Amazing, I've been looking forward to getting this for a LONG time... Its Not top of the line, but the best of what I could find on my budget.... its just a "tad" more complicated then that old analogue gear, but its pretty f__king Cool...

Problem is: I've been so long out of the loop, I can't see it from here... I'm capable of learning.. but with a day job and a baby, who has time to read all the manuals....

So, Bottom line..

If ANYONE out there fancies them self a Modern day Home Studio GURO, Contact me...PLEASE, I need help!!

I learn fast by watching, but I think what I need most is a head start.. get this stuff connected and talking to each other.. and then show me the basics.. the rest I can play with to learn...

Here's what I got so far for equipement: (from newest to oldest, approx)
- Korg D3200 Home Studio

- Korg padKONTROL (Midi Studio Controller)

- Presonus Firestation (was my first go at the digital arena, but its "old-school" so only runs on Service Pak1, I "HAD" to upgrade my PC to Service Pak 2, so its now Obsolete, but I 'think' I can use it in "Special ADAT MODE" Connect it to the D3200 with fibre optic cable, and use it to expand the D3200 from 12 Simulataneous tracks of Audio to 14)

- An HP Pentium 4, 2.60GHZ, with 1.5 Gig Ram, Dual Screen Set up

- Cubase SX3 and/or Neundo

- Yamaha Motif ES7

- Boss BX-Mixer

- Korg T1 My Old 88 Key back breaking Workstation from when I actuall did this Full time

- Roland Juno106 (its old, but I can't part with it)

- Some decent Guitars/Amps, and a modest Microphone

- A Lack of time... and A NEED TO LEARN!!!!!

So if your out there... and You have some time.. CALL or EMAIL ME..
There's always a beer in the fridge or rum in the cupboard..

What I hope to be able to do, once up and running.. Is use Cubase and my Yamaha to sequence Drums in a format that either can run from.. But more importantly, to be able to take the D3200 on the road.. record a live act, bring it home, upload the wav files to CUBASE to do my editing, etc...

I know I can figure it out over time, but I'd like to kick start this... If worst comes to worst, if you know of anyone who would help for a fee, I'm not adverse to that idea.. (within reason) as it would likely save me Countless hours of fustration, so I can see value in that..

until then, I'm gonna go find my glasses and pour another 2 ounces of Appleton Reserve



Friday, September 08, 2006

Got My Board!

I've had the new Studio Board in the house now for 26 Hours, and believe it or not... I've not even plugged it in.. and may not get to for a little while yet...

Its by choice, but necessity... Were getting the house ready to sell.. and man.. theres house cleaning, and then theres HOUSE CLEANING... its a lot of work.. Plus all the regular stuff ya gotta do, Mow the lawn, look after Sarah.. etc... but its all good.. We'll get to it soon enough.. I Also got a Korg padKONTROL to help simplify sequencing Drums... but thats it for the big purchases for the foreseable future...

Only thing i need now is some new cables, maybe some mic's... but overall... My old ones are not too far gone that I can't get by.. and I can Borrow Mic's if/when i need to... so for the time being, albeit on a budget, I've everything I need to do some recording.. YEE-HAW...

Now I just need Some TIME to play with it...

Sarah's First Plane Ride.. Trip to NFLD

Well.... its been over a year since my last trip to the Rock, so in addition to seeing my parents, grandparents and all that jazz, I was also overdue for a feed of Bob's Chicken Coop (you got to try it to understand.. get the snack with gravy on everything)... So we Cashed in our points and flew down for a week.. 4 days actually, if you consider Flight there and back as a travel day.. but was worth it..

Sarah got to spend time with My parents and grandparents, I got to catch up with some good friends.. and I even was able to squeeze in the first two interviews for the Almost Famous Project.. Which was awesome..

Of course.. the grandparents spoiled her... but thats all part of it..
I may put more about the trip up later.. but not much to tell really.. just and Awesome family Fun..

Oh My Mom is Selling her Cottage... its a 3 bedroom Log Cabin, on just shy of 9acres of water frontage in the Codroy Valley.. if you want details.. just ask me..