Ok... I'll admit.. I'm a LOT out of the Loop... But I have a valid excuse..
If your one of the odd few that read this dribble semi- regularly, you'll know that I finally got my Home Studio gear...
Well, I've had it since last Saturday, actually, and truth be told, I just got it out of the Box last night, and really only sat down to play with it for the 1st time tonight.. (After painting the Deck, and all the other stuff one has to do with Kids, House, dogs, etc.... )
It brought be right back to 1989-91 when I was fortunate enough to be doing the music thing full time, and too naive to realize how lucky I was... Back then I could take a full day, or three to read a manual, walk through the tutorials and learn as that was my JOB.. but now I'm relegated to approximately 8:45ish at night (aka when Sarah goes to bed)... before I can start anything, and then I can only go as late as I can manage to stay awake, bearing in mind that she wakes up about 7:30 am regardless of how late I stay up...
Anyway.. I'm both excited and overwhelmed all at once...
My first "studio" was a fostek 4 track (used a standard cassette)... Pretty simple to use.. albeit crappy quality..
From there we 'upgraded' to an
Akai MG1214 
Still used a tape... but a BETA tape, 12 tracks, with DBX Noise Filtering... Anyways... that stuff was pretty Simple to use.. I could even sync the damn thing with my Korg T1 for sequences, etc... but the tapes deteriorated over time, so you had to limit how often you re-dubed stuff or Punched in and out, etc...
This new Digital technology though? Its pretty Amazing, I've been looking forward to getting this for a LONG time... Its Not top of the line, but the best of what I could find on my budget.... its just a "tad" more complicated then that old analogue gear, but its pretty f__king Cool...
Problem is: I've been so long out of the loop, I can't see it from here... I'm capable of learning.. but with a day job and a baby, who has time to read all the manuals....
So, Bottom line..
ANYONE out there fancies them self a Modern day Home Studio GURO,
Contact me...PLEASE, I need help!! I learn fast by watching, but I think what I need most is a head start.. get this stuff connected and talking to each other.. and then show me the basics.. the rest I can play with to learn...
Here's what I got so far for equipement: (from newest to oldest, approx)
- Korg D3200 Home Studio
- Korg padKONTROL (Midi Studio Controller)
- Presonus Firestation (was my first go at the digital arena, but its "old-school" so only runs on Service Pak1, I "HAD" to upgrade my PC to Service Pak 2, so its now Obsolete, but I 'think' I can use it in "Special ADAT MODE" Connect it to the D3200 with fibre optic cable, and use it to expand the D3200 from 12 Simulataneous tracks of Audio to 14)
- An HP Pentium 4, 2.60GHZ, with 1.5 Gig Ram, Dual Screen Set up
- Cubase SX3 and/or Neundo
- Yamaha Motif ES7
- Boss BX-Mixer
- Korg T1 My Old 88 Key back breaking Workstation from when I actuall did this Full time
- Roland Juno106 (its old, but I can't part with it)
- Some decent Guitars/Amps, and a modest Microphone- A Lack of time... and A NEED TO LEARN!!!!!
So if your out there... and You have some time.. CALL or EMAIL ME..
There's always a beer in the fridge or rum in the cupboard..
What I hope to be able to do, once up and running.. Is use Cubase and my Yamaha to sequence Drums in a format that either can run from.. But more importantly, to be able to take the D3200 on the road.. record a live act, bring it home, upload the wav files to CUBASE to do my editing, etc...
I know I can figure it out over time, but I'd like to kick start this... If worst comes to worst, if you know of anyone who would help for a fee, I'm not adverse to that idea.. (within reason) as it would likely save me Countless hours of fustration, so I can see value in that..
until then, I'm gonna go find my glasses and pour another 2 ounces of Appleton Reserve
Email: robertcrewe@hotmail.com